Blog Post

SQL Server on Linux Online Training with Brent Ozar Unlimited!


I’m proud to announce to you that I’m partnering with the folks over a Brent Ozar Unlimited to provide live, instructor-led training directly to you online!

Course – SQL Server on Linux: Install, Configure, and Manage


You’ve been managing SQL Server configuration, backups, and troubleshooting for a couple of years, but that was on Windows. Now, you’re looking at implementing SQL Server 2017 on Linux.

Things are different on Linux.

You want to learn enough Linux to be a good DBA – to install, configure, monitor, and troubleshoot SQL Server on Linux.

I’ve been using Linux in production since y2k was a thing, and I can help. I’m Anthony Nocentino, a Microsoft Data Platform MVP. It feels like I’ve been training for this all my life, and I can finally combine my nearly two decades of Linux experience with my SQL Server expertise to get you up to speed, fast!

In this workshop we’ll dive into SQL on Linux and get things started

  • Linux Fundamentals for DBAs
  • SQL Server on Linux Installation and Configuration
  • SQL on Linux Fundamentals such as SQLPAL and SQLOSv2
  • Administering and Configuring SQL Server on Linux
  • Configuration Best Practices
  • High Availability and Disaster Recovery Options

This is an online class – I’m hosting it in GoToWebinar, live on webcam, taking questions as we go through the material together.

Head on over and sign up now!


Figure 1: Not joining A-ha! But hoping you have lots of “a-ha” moments during training.

The post SQL Server on Linux Online Training with Brent Ozar Unlimited! appeared first on Centino Systems Blog.


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