Blog Post

PASS Summit 2013 Report #6


I’m starting the official ‘day one’ at the bloggers table with Tim Mitchell and Colin Stasiuk. We’re at a side table from the rest of the bloggers – possibly a promotion, more likely just the random layout, but I have power, a table, and an aisle seat, so no complaints! Enjoying the music while everyone gets set up.

Just saw Mark Souza in his lab coat. Maybe one year we can raffle that coat!

Nice opening bit with Bill Graziano driving a race car, then waking up from a dream to be told it’s time for his keynote. Fun stuff.

Bill actually says “roll the video”. I think he’s getting hang of the Presidency!

Video about growth of SQLSaturday. Good way to show how many countries that are involved.

Amy Lewis is the 2013 PASSion Award Winner (and just elected to the PASS Board of Directors). Ryan Adams is the Honorable Mention (go Ryan!).

Now transitioning to Quentin Clark.


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