Blog Post

Encourage Someone You Respect To Run For The PASS Board of Directors


PASS is accepting candidate applications for the 2013 election through August 7th, 2013.  Later this year we – the PASS membership – will be voting to fill three seats on the Board. To have a good election we need a great selection of candidates. I hope for a slate of candidates so good that we want them all to be elected. I hope we don’t have an election where three people run for three seats, making it a non-election election.

I believe it’s our job to do more than just vote. If we know someone that would be a good candidate we should tell them. No hard sell, just a quick email or call of encouragement. Tell them you believe in them and why. Just doing that, something that will take you five minutes, it might be just the bit of encouragement someone needs to give it a try.

What makes a good candidate? I look for someone with some life experience, someone with stability at work and home, someone with gravitas and enthusiasm and wisdom, someone that participates in the community, someone that writes or tweets well. Someone you would trust with your child or your wallet. Someone good at listening, willing to take some risks, and willing to take an unpopular stance if they believe they are right. That’s what I look for you, you may value something different – that’s ok.

I spent an hour scrolling through my LinkedIn list putting a check by the ones I thought should run. It’s tough. You have to think about what you know about them, where you think they are in life, if they are ready. I checked 11 names, though I’m sure I omitted many more that would be equally good choices. I emailed those 11 people tonight, asking them to consider running and letting them know I thought they would do well.

Do your part – encourage someone to run that you think will make PASS better than it is today.


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