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Do You Want to Help Provide Feedback on a New Book I Am Writing?


Normally when I write a book, I create a book outline, give it to my editor for feedback, make some changes, then begin writing the book.

I would like to try something different, assuming you are interested. Since I am at the very early stage of creating the book’s outline, would you like to review it and give me some feedback? I am sure that if I could get several (or many) SQLServerCentral.Com members to offer me their advice on the outline, that I could write an even better book than if I did all the outlining by myself.

So what do you say. Do you want to help out?

The book is tentatively called “High Performance Index Maintenance,” and as you can guess from the title, it is a very narrowly focused topic. The goal is to keep the book under 75 Word pages, and then publish it as a compact reference book that will be given away free as an e-book, and in some cases, as a printed book.

If you have some extra time, and you have a lot of experience with index maintenance, please e-mail me at, and I will send you a copy of the draft version  (which is about 6 pages). You can make any comments you want in the Word document, and then return it to me no later than Friday, February 6, 2009.

In return, when the book is finally printed as a paperback version, I will send you an autographed copy. I will also mention you in the book, by name, for your contribution to the outlining process.




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