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T-SQL Tuesday #98 Round Up


Thank you to everyone that took the time to write and contribute, I enjoyed reading about how you conquered your challenges, here is a round-up in no particular order.

Tracy Boggiano’s story of skiing, migraines and corruption is simply fantastic. System Table corruption is no fun but where there is a will there is a way. Definitely a database superhero.

Rob Farley goes back twenty years and shows how he ended up with a Data Warehouse of sorts and even changed database design (de-normalising) to fix his reporting issues for machines across the city, a very tough challenge that he overcame, impressive stuff and a great read.

Rich Benner writes about a challenge of changing a Non-Clustered Primary Key into a Clustered one. Not as simple as you think, there are some links to his GitHub Repo too that is definitely worth checking out.

Shane O’Neill compares himself to the Shane O’Neill of 2 years ago about what really did sound like a sniffing problem, by that I mean parameter sniffing! No doubt that the Shane of today would sort that stored procedure out for the better.

Teaser Alert! Chrissy Lemaire has a great solution to a common challenge, a centralised monitoring solution which ended up utilising a mix of dbatools and pester (thanks to Rob Sewell for the in-depth lessons) leading us to a great new Power BI Universal Dashboard courtesy of Cláudio Silva which is amazing!

Bert Wagner goes 101 with SQL Logins and writes about a problem I know many of you out there have experienced. The key to the solution here? Well as Bert says, “step away from the computer and come back once you have a clearer mind-set”. Oh and there is a YouTube Video to watch too – Bonus points!

Shout out to Michael Villegas as this post was his first ever T-SQL Tuesday entry. A strange tale of blocking where his knowledge of transaction isolation levels really helped, taught me a few things.

Todd Kleinhans shares his technical challenge, after reading it, I should call it a technical nightmare! From a lack of management spending to stack dumps this challenge has it all. What is really amazing Todd used a signed copy of SQL Server Internals text book to help him out. Understanding the internals for his issue really helped him, brilliant.

Legendary Blogger Kenneth Fischer writes about the ever changing world of SQL Security for an ever changing company, something I can relate to. Ever heard of sp_DBPermissions and sp_SrVPermissions? If not, you will now. Currently on Version 6 this should definitely be in your T-SQL library.

Marek Masko faces the dreaded Application is freezing scenario. Been there done that got the T-Shirt. Marek shows his troubleshooting skills by using PSSdiag, SQLNexus and RML utilities to get to the root cause. Great skills on show here.

First timer to TSQL – Tuesday John McCormack writes about the challenges he faced when deleting data from a data warehouse. He had many options but opted for SSIS, not trivial removing billions of rows worth of data.

Another first timer, Eugene Meidinger takes on a unique but brilliant twist for his entry. How games development has helped him develop his troubleshooting mind set. He also mentions couple of books called, how to solve and conceptual blockbusting to develop our skills.

David Mason encountered the dreaded “something went wrong please contact your system administrator” message. Hopefully he didn’t lose too much hair but definitely worth reading to find out the root cause.

Andy Galbraith has a classic like post on query performance issues where he uses Extended Events (amongst other techniques) to really drill down to the issue. Really enjoyable read complemented with humorous screen-shots.

Glenda Gable takes a step back and really thinks of her requirements before attempting a solution to her problem which is quite a tricky one hence a fascinating read.  A great mentality on show and the use of checkpoints in the process really had me intrigued.

Jeff Rush tackles a data archival process, the solution is an elegant one and I wish I had access to it last year. I really like the code, so many times I have seen cursors in place, but not here!

Nate The DBA scares me with his horror theme but technically it is about orphaned users and the best way to solve these annoying niggling issues.

Doug Purnell tackles a baseline requirement for wait stats just in case the Spectre/Meltdown causes issues on his SQL Servers, without a baseline how do you know what is normal? Using a combination of different resources his solution sounds brilliant.

Jason Brimhall writes about his battle with a blog site migration, a great (and painful) story of issues encountered but it seems Jason just remained very calm! Nobody wants 404 errors and his analysis on plugin failures ultimately sorted his issue.

Steve Jones writes about a problem that wasn’t too hard to diagnose, but was hard to solve. These ones are the best and not to my surprise it was all about corruption and the backups were not exactly useful! Glad he had a pillow and blanket handy.

Thanks again everyone!



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