SQLServerCentral Article

Altering Replicated Tables


Replication is a pretty nice

feature, right up until you want to make a few schema changes. SQL 7 will not

let you alter the schema of any table that is part of an article in a

publication. SQL 2000 offers some new features in this regard that I'll cover in

a future article.

If the database is small or

bandwidth to the subscriber allows, the quick and dirty way is to just drop the

publication, make your changes, then rebuild your publication. If you decide to

use this method take advantage of Enterprise Manager to script out your

publication before dropping it.

SQL does offer a way to make your

changes without quite as much work. Remember - you can't modify the table if

it's published, but that doesn't mean you have to drop your entire publication!

Here are the steps you need to take:

  • Stop any users from connecting. I

    usually put the database in DBO only mode. I normally do these procedures after

    hours when usage is lightest AND after doing a backup.

  • Make sure all pending replication

    commands are distributed. If you're running continuous replication, it should

    only take a few seconds for them to post to your subscriber. If there are

    undistributed commands remaining when you add or remove a column from the table,

    replication will fail when you restart it.

  • Stop replication for the

    database. The easiest way is to go to Replication Monitor in Enterprise Manager,

    locate your publication, then right click the Log Reader Agent and click Stop

    Agent. Then click the Distribution Agent and click Stop Synchronizing.

  • You can't modify or remove an

    article if there are subscribers to the publication, so you want to drop all

    subscriptions. Use sp_dropsubscription.

  • You can't modify the table if

    it's published as an article, so you need to drop the article from the

    publication using sp_droparticle.

  • Make your schema changes on the

    publisher. Keep in mind the warning in item #2 above. If you're adding or

    dropping a column that will be part of the article you add back to your

    publication, you will also need to make those same changes to ALL subscribers.

    You will also need to update the stored procedures on the subscribers that apply

    the insert/update/delete commands from the publisher.

  • Create a new article. Remember to

    include any vertical or horizontal filters that you were using before. Use


  • Add your subscribers back to the

    publication using sp_addsubscription.

  • Test! Insert a row into each

    table you modified, then delete that same row. Then right click your Log Reader

    and Distribution Agents and start both. If the two commands replicate

    successfully, you're in business. If not, you're not out of sync with your

    subscribers, so you can go back and troubleshoot.

  • Take the database out of dbo only


Here is the basic script to alter

a column. This assumes only one subscriber.








table TABLENAME alter column street varchar (50)



@publication = N'DBNAME', @article = N'TABLENAME', @source_owner = N'dbo',

@source_object = N'TABLENAME', @destination_table = N'TABLENAME', @type =

N'logbased', @creation_script = null, @description = null,

@pre_creation_cmd = N'drop', @schema_option = 0x0000000000000073, @status

= 16, @vertical_partition = N'false', @ins_cmd = N'CALL

sp_MSins_TABLENAME', @del_cmd = N'CALL sp_MSdel_TABLENAME', @upd_cmd =

N'MCALL sp_MSupd_TABLENAME', @filter = null, @sync_object = null



'DBNAME', 'TABLENAME', 'SUBSCRIBERNAME', 'DBNAME','automatic','active'


Getting it right the first time

can be tricky. I highly recommend that set up a test database and mirror the

publication you want to change, then work through the process and build your

scripts until they work. If you're adding or dropping a column, the test setup

pays even bigger dividends. A tip I learned from my friend Sean Burke is to make

the change on the publisher, then execute a new snapshot which recreates the

correct stored procedures on the subscriber. Script those out as create, change

to alter (to keep the permissions intact) and add to your final script.

Once you decide to apply your

changes to your production database, keep in mind that you have two fall back

plans if things go south. One is to restore from backup and try again. The other

is to just execute a new snapshot and resync all of the subscribers.


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