SQLServerCentral Editorial

The Colocated Dangers


We went down.

It was quite a surprise for me, and something that hasn't happened in a long time. It wasn't for long, but a month ago, there was a period of time when SQLServerCentral was down. It's also one of the very few times it's happened since I was in charge of the servers. The exact reason was something to do with out hardware, and it was fixed relatively quickly by our hosting provider.

Early on in the site's history we had a few hiccups. I was the one that drove out to a co-location facility to replace hardware or fix something that was broken. There were a few times where all that was required was a reboot, but we didn't have the "remote hands" service available at a few of our hosting facilities. Fortunately for me I had an understanding boss that would allow me to flex and extend my lunch time during these emergencies.

Since Red Gate purchased SQLServerCentral, we've had excellent uptime. A few outages for upgrades of the site, a minor DNS issue, and a few hiccups from maintenance by our hosting facility, but all very short. This hour-or-so long outage was the first unplanned outage in years. However it reminded me of a somethings: it's not if a disaster will occur, but when it will occur?

Putting all your data (and the servers it lives on) in one place is the fact of life that most of us have to live with, but we ought to have some idea of a DR plan if our data center goes down, or our hosting company has an issue. It might not be a thoroughly documented plan, but it ought to be a thoroughly thought out one.

At least if expect your enterprise to continue to function during the disaster and your employment to continue after.

Steve Jones

The Voice of the DBA Podcasts

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Everyday Jones

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Today's podcast features music by Everyday Jones. No relation, but I stumbled on to them and really like the music. Support this great duo at www.everydayjones.com.

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