SQLServerCentral Editorial

Tricky Questions


I suspect that most of us have been on many interviews in our career. Unfortunately today's technology business doesn't seem driven towards having decades of employment for individuals at one job, so most of us will have more interviews sometime in the next five to ten years.

I've had many interviews in my career, of all types with many different formats. I've had technical interviews with multiple people, tests to take, and interviews by managers that didn't include a single T-SQL question. I've had a lot of success, and much of what has worked for me is a part of my presentation on branding, which you can see at the PASS Summit in 2011.

With that in mind, I thought this Friday poll might be a good place to help you get prepared for your next interview by asking about the questions that others have been asked. The question this week is:

What's an interview question that has thrown you for a loop?

It's rare that I've actually been surprised by interview questions. I typically prepare for interviews, using a process that has worked for me since I was in college. I research the company, trying to understand what the business is, and if possible, the person that might interview me. I look for blogs or other information written by employees, and any information I can get to prepare for questions about the business or technology used in the company.

There have been a few times I've been thrown by a specific technology question, usually asking for some switch, definition, or other detail that is easily gleaned from some documentation. For those questions, I practice making sure I know where to get the information and use to show that I understand what needs to be done and where to get the answer.

Let us know today if you have any great questions you get asked, especially if you've been asked any of them more than once.

Steve Jones

The Voice of the DBA Podcasts

Everyday Jones

The podcast feeds are available at sqlservercentral.mevio.com. You can also follow Steve Jones on Twitter:

Today's podcast features music by Everyday Jones. No relation, but I stumbled on to them and really like the music. Support this great duo at www.everydayjones.com. They have a great version of Message in a Bottle if you want to check it out.

I really appreciate and value feedback on the podcasts. Let us know what you like, don't like, or even send in ideas for the show. If you'd like to comment, post something here. The boss will be sure to read it.


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