
  • Hi All,

    I have one scenario.

    create table mgr


    mgr varchar(20),

    stage varchar(30)


    insert into mgr

    select 'TP001','P'

    union all

    select 'TP002','C'

    union all

    select 'TP003','C'

    I have written one procedure like below

    create procedure p1


    @input_date datetime




    declare @year_st datetime,@year_end datetime

    select @year_st = '1/1' + datepart(yy,@input_date)

    select @year_end = @input_date




    suppose if i give '24/apr/2009' then

    @year_st = '01/01/2009'

    @year_end = 28/apr/2009'

    i have to get the monthend date between @year_st and @year_end - current month (i.e previous month last date)





    I have one table called Perf

    create table Perf


    mgrid varchar(20),

    perfdt datetime,

    grossvalue decimal(16,8)


    insert into Perf

    select 'TP001','31/jan/2009',5.00

    union all

    select 'TP001','28/feb/2009',6.00

    union all

    select 'TP001','31/mar/2009',5.50

    union all

    select 'TP002','31/jan/2009',2.00

    union all

    select 'TP002','28/feb/2009',1.00

    union all

    select 'TP002','31/mar/2009',7.00

    Expected result format:


    If i give jun/20/2009 as input date, then we need to add apr and may date's in the column.

    Input are welcome!

    I am trying to implement 'Tally' table logic.


  • I'm sorry, but I really can't follow what your are asking or what you are trying to accomplish. Nothing in your post really makes any sense to me. Maybe you should provide more details as to what you need to accomplish. Also, if you provide the DDL for the tables, sample data (in a readily consumable format), the expected results of the process you are attempting to complete based on the sample data, and the code you have currently developed, that may help in understanding your problem.

    It will also help if you could verify the version of SQL Server you are using. I have seen you asking questions at different times in both the 2000 and 2005 forums, and we need to know which version you are using to attempt to solve this problem

  • karthikeyan (4/27/2009)

    i have to get the monthend date between @year_st and @year_end - current month (i.e previous month last date)





    I am trying to implement 'Tally' table logic.

    I'll do the "hard" part...

    [font="Courier New"]DECLARE @Input_Date DATETIME

     SELECT @Input_Date '24 APR 2009'


            @Year_End DATETIME,

            @DateList VARCHAR(8000)

     SELECT @Year_St  DATEADD(yy,DATEDIFF(yy,0,@Input_Date),0),

            @Year_End @Input_Date

     SELECT @DateList ISNULL(@DateList+',','')+REPLACE(CONVERT(CHAR(11),DATEADD(mm,t.N,@Year_St)-1,106),' ','')

       FROM dbo.Tally t

      WHERE t.N <= DATEDIFF(mm,@Year_St,@Year_End)

      PRINT @DateList[/font]

    --Jeff Moden

    RBAR is pronounced "ree-bar" and is a "Modenism" for Row-By-Agonizing-Row.
    First step towards the paradigm shift of writing Set Based code:
    ________Stop thinking about what you want to do to a ROW... think, instead, of what you want to do to a COLUMN.

    Change is inevitable... Change for the better is not.

    Helpful Links:
    How to post code problems
    How to Post Performance Problems
    Create a Tally Function (fnTally)

  • Thanks Jeff.

    Meantime i have developed the below code to get the desired output...


    SELECT @Input_Date = '28/apr/2009'


    @Year_End DATETIME

    SELECT @Year_St = '1/1/' + convert(char(4),datepart(yy,@Input_Date)),

    @Year_End = @Input_Date

    SELECT DATEADD(dd,-1,DATEADD(mm,N,@Year_St))

    FROM dbo.Tally

    WHERE N <= DATEDIFF(mm,@Year_St,@Year_End)


  • Lynn,

    I am using sql2000.

    I have identified the month end date for the given input range now.

    i.e input date = 28/apr/2009

    so @year_st = 01/01/2009

    @year_end = 28/apr/2009 -- given date should be considered as year end.

    month end for the given range





    i have to show the Perf value for the corrsponding date.

    Output format is:

    mgrid,stage,year_st, year_end, 31jan2009, 28feb2009, 31mar2009

    TP001 P 01/01/2009 28/apr/2009 value from perf table value from perf table

    value from perf table


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