SS2008R2 - Are Compressed DB BAckups Restored AS Regular DB's or COmpressed DB's

  • Under SQL Server 2008R2, if you when backing up a DB you select the option to Compress The Backup, then when that DB is restored will it be restored such that it was the same size (roughly the same size) as the orginal DB the backup was made from or will it be rrestored as a compressed copy of the DB menaing it will be as small as the compressed backup?

    I have to sned a 240GB DB over the wire and so I wanted to compress the backup and ideally reduce the total size of teh backup that I have to send via secure ftp. Now that I've done this and started sending the DB I'm seeing related posts/comments on the web about this that lead me to bvelieve that the COmpress option is not for the compression of just the backup but of the DB. In other words if I have a 240GB DB that I backup (with the compress option) and comrpess dowen to 1/10th that size, then when that backup is restored the resulting DB is not about 240GB but is instead about 1/10th that size and thats because the restored DB is itself compressed.



    Kindest Regards,

    Just say No to Facebook!
  • The restored DB will be exactly the same size as the database was when you created the backup.

  • Michael Valentine Jones (6/17/2013)

    The restored DB will be exactly the same size as the database was when you created the backup.

    Thank you Steve. I was sweating bullets on that one because I did not have enough rooom left on my server to test this myself and everyone is waiting on that backup.

    Kindest Regards,

    Just say No to Facebook!

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