Concate all rows into single one row

  • Using SQL Server 2000 EE On Winodws Server 2000

    create table abcx


    deptname varchar(10),

    doctorid int,

    patient_name varchar(20)


    insert into abcx values ('ICU-1',10,'ABC')

    insert into abcx values ('ICU-2',10,'H.')

    insert into abcx values ('ICU-2',10,'ASLAM')

    insert into abcx values ('ICU-3',10,'HEENA')

    insert into abcx values ('KPM',10,'SURESH')

    insert into abcx values ('CCU',10,'MUKESH')

    insert into abcx values ('CCU',10,'RAM')

    Required Ouput :

    'Dear New Doctor Name:' + 'following patients have been transferred order No:' + 'from Old Doctor Name:' + ICU-1:ABC.ICU-2:H.,ASLAM.ICU-3:HEENA.KPM:SURESH.CCU:MUKESH,RAM.

    User will provide New Doctor Name, Order No, and Old Doctor Name from front end combo box and it should be generated above one single line.

    For this purpose I followed below link:

    and I created function like this :

    create function dbo.concate (@company varchar(4))

    returns nvarchar(1000)



    declare @concat nvarchar(1000)

    select @concat=coalesce(@concat,'')+Patient_Name+',' from ABCX where deptname =@company

    select @concat = substring(@concat,1,len(@concat)-1)

    return (@concat)


    I am doing something like this :

    DECLARE @line VARCHAR(1024)

    SELECT @line = COALESCE(@line + ',', '') + deptname + '-' + dbo.concate(deptname) FROM abcx

    group by deptname

    SELECT line = 'Dear New Doctor Name'+' following patients have been transferred order: ' + @line


    and getting :

    Dear New Doctor Name following patients have been transferred order: KPM-SURESH

    I don't know why it is not returning all the rows....

    Kindly help me to write a procedure like this one :

    exec myproc('New Doctor Name','Order No','Old Doctor Name').

    Thank you for viewing the question.

    Kindly tell me, if I am unclear in my question, so that I may provide more details.


    Girish Sharma

  • create table #abcx


    deptname varchar(10),

    doctorid int,

    patient_name varchar(20)


    insert into #abcx values ('ICU-1',10,'ABC')

    insert into #abcx values ('ICU-2',10,'H.')

    insert into #abcx values ('ICU-2',10,'ASLAM')

    insert into #abcx values ('ICU-3',10,'HEENA')

    insert into #abcx values ('KPM',10,'SURESH')

    insert into #abcx values ('CCU',10,'MUKESH')

    insert into #abcx values ('CCU',10,'RAM')


    SELECT a.deptname ,

    STUFF((SELECT ', ' + patient_name

    FROM #abcx b

    WHERE b.deptname = a.deptname

    FOR XML PATH('')), 1, 2, '')

    FROM #abcx a

    GROUP BY deptname

  • I'd use the solution above to concatenate the values.

  • Steve Jones - SSC Editor (12/30/2014)

    I'd use the solution above to concatenate the values.

    Agreed. Just make sure that you add TYPE correctly to de-entitize the return if it contains the XML "special characters".

    --Jeff Moden

    RBAR is pronounced "ree-bar" and is a "Modenism" for Row-By-Agonizing-Row.
    First step towards the paradigm shift of writing Set Based code:
    ________Stop thinking about what you want to do to a ROW... think, instead, of what you want to do to a COLUMN.

    Change is inevitable... Change for the better is not.

    Helpful Links:
    How to post code problems
    How to Post Performance Problems
    Create a Tally Function (fnTally)

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