Microsoft Access to SQL Server

  • Hi all,

    I have created a report on Microsoft Access by connecting to SQL Server using SQL Server Native Client 11.0 driver and was able to refresh the results with out any problem. The whole point of creating the report is that sales team can access it without any issue but, they are getting the error "ODBC-connetion to 'SQL Server Native Client 11.0' failed". Do they need to install ODBC driver or SQL Server 2012 installed on their laptop to access the file i created.

    I thought they could do it without installing anything.

    Can anyone please give me an idea?



  • Sri,

    Assuming Access is running the report on their machine, yes.

    A better solution may be to make it web based to avoid Access altogether.


  • Mark,

    Yes, the Access report will be running on their (sales team) machine.

    May i ask what is a web based report?


  • Web Based report is like using SSRS, it's web based and it comes with the SQL licensed install. Just a guess at what Mark is talking about.

    MCSE SQL Server 2012\2014\2016

  • You can use SSRS or create a small web site on an internal web server and create some basic .net web pages that act as reports and shows the data. This would allow you to connect directly to either database and eliminate the need to install anything on the client machines.


  • OK, thanks to all.

    I don't have SSRS on the SQL Server i am working on. I need to install it and start working on it.

    Thanks for your help again.

  • You can import your reports into SSRS from Access, and as long as you're not using VBA functions in queries that your reports are based on, they should work. (Well, you may have to rewrite some of the queries, because T-SQL and Access SQL are slightly different.

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