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Question of the Day
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Agile Job Descriptions

Most of us have applied for a job at some point in our career. In my youth, this was finding a listing in a newspaper or on a storefront and then going in to apply in person. At times I didn't really care what the job description was, as I needed a job. Usually the title was enough to decide if I wanted to be a "waiter" or "cashier" or "laborer". I am somewhat glad those days are behind me, at least for the most part. My wife usually expects her fence builder and cook to be regularly available.

In the technology fields, we often have very detailed job descriptions. In fact, I think most of the job descriptions I see have had too much input and ask for more skills than any individual is likely to have. In my experience, if I meet at least 50% of the required skills, I apply. I'd encourage you to do the same, as many of the requirements are flexible as hiring managers realize they can't find someone that meets 100% of their desires.

Today, I'm wondering if any of you ever look back at the job description that you were hired to fill. Does your current work match what was written when you applied? Did you end up doing more of less? Or has the job evolved as you've been in this position. Would you still be qualified for this position? Over-qualified? Still not there?

I'm kidding about the last one, though there are always people searching for a challenge and enjoying the struggle of learning and growing their skills. In fact, some of the most talented people I know have had lots of success and still struggle with impostor syndrome, which I think drives them to be better. Or maybe some just have the Jerry Rice training habits.

Take a few minutes today and think about your job and the description that was written for it. Has it evolved, or is it what you expected?

Steve Jones - SSC Editor

Join the debate, and respond to today's editorial on the forums

Redgate SQL Monitor
 Featured Contents

Scripting Tables and Procedures from SSMS

Steve Jones - SSC Editor from

Learn how you can script specific objects from SSMS and store or update them in a git repository.

New release: SQL Prompt 10

Additional Articles from Redgate

In the latest version of SQL Prompt, we’ve made improvements to all the most popular features. Our new ranked suggestions algorithm prioritizes the suggestions most relevant to you, tab history improvements let you find old tabs easily and star favorites, and new auto-fixes help you resolve code issues quickly. With support for key features of SQL Server 2019, which was made available this week at Microsoft Ignite, SQL Prompt 10 gives you the latest tools to develop faster, improve code quality, and boost team productivity.

How to Configure CI/CD in AzureDevOps

Additional Articles from SimpleTalk

Take advantage of the CI/CD pipeline in Azure DevOps to build, test, and deploy continuously to deliver value to your customers consistently with ease. In this article, Joydip Kanjilal shows you how to get started with Azure DevOps using a .NET Core app.

From the SQL Server Central Blogs - Rounding Out PASS Summit 2019

John Morehouse from John Morehouse |

If you are like me, when certain events end, it is a bittersweet time.  You’ve enjoyed your time with people you consider family, got to learn some new things...

From the SQL Server Central Blogs - The SQLSaturday pitch to host facilities

Will Assaf from SQL Tact

Not being able to find a good, affordable venue to host a SQLSaturday is a show-stopping problem that is common to a lot of events, especially SQLSaturdays getting started...


 Question of the Day

Today's question (by Steve Jones - SSC Editor):


More Computed Column Indexes

I add this column to my table in a SQL Server 2017 database.
ALTER TABLE dbo.Activities
ADD ProdOneCount AS CASE
                        WHEN ProductID = 1 THEN
I now want to create this index.
CREATE INDEX Activities_ProdOneCountThreshold
ON dbo.Activities (ProdOneCount)
WHERE ProdOneCount > 50;
What happens when the CREATE INDEX runs?

Think you know the answer? Click here, and find out if you are right.



 Yesterday's Question of the Day (by Steve Jones - SSC Editor)

Job Notifications

I have a job in my SQL Server 2017 instance that runs under the SQL Agent. What are my options for notifying an admin after the job?

Answer: When the job completes, regardless of status

Explanation: You can set SQL Agent job notifications for success, failure, or completion, but not for a failure to start. Ref: Job Properties - Notifications Page -

Discuss this question and answer on the forums




Database Pros Who Need Your Help

Here's a few of the new posts today on the forums. To see more, visit the forums.

SQL Server 2017 - Administration
User without a matching login can gain access - Hi, I came across something that changed the way I see SQL Server permissions. Way back, we created a LOGIN in SQL Server for an AD group.  At the time, we gave the new LOGIN db_datareader permission to a database. As expected, all of the people in the AD group could SELECT from that database. […]
differential is as same as full - I have a development server. We have backup setup on the server. I noticed the differential backup 5.0 GB is almost the same size as the full backup. 5.1GB I know there is little update on the database. Why the differential backup is so big? We do full backup at weekend, and nightly differential.
Upgrade SQL 2014 to 2017 - Hello crowd, I found a couple of threads with upgrade discussions, but not what I was searching for. I'm planning to upgrade my SQL2014 Always On HA Cluster from W2k12 R2, SQL2014 to Win2k16, SQL2017. In my Test Environment I added the 2 new Win2k16 nodes with SQL2017 to the Cluster, then joined one of […]
SQL Server 2017 - Development
Migracion de 2008 a 2016 - Cordial Saludo. Voy a migrar una base de datos de 2008 r2 express un estándar de 2016. ¿Puedo obtener una lista comparativa de los comandos TSQL que cambian entre los motores mencionados? Gracias por su ayuda.
SQL Server 2016 - Administration
JOb failed due to collation conflict - We migrated the databases and jobs from sql 2005  to SQL 2016  and the collation of sql 2016  is "SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS"  and sql 2005 is "Latin1_General_CI_AS"  and all the databases in sql 2016 is having the same collation SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS", When we tried to run a job which is configured on master to check the database connections […]
SET OPTIONS question - Hi All, I am trying to get the SET OPTIONS using plan handle. I am using below dmv , but I get below output. select * from sys.dm_exec_plan_attributes.(0x05000A00F2B6F25BA0FC923A2001000001000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000) How to get what values have been set ? I mean using value = 4347 how can get output something like below.. ANSI_WARNINGS :ON ANSI_PADDING :ON ANSI_NULLS […]
SQL Server 2016 - Development and T-SQL
Issue with left join - SELECT DISTINCT DS.DepartmentId FROM dbo.DepartmentStore DS LEFT JOIN dbo.Student Std on Std.DS.DepartmentId = DS.DepartmentId and Std.EffDate = (select max(Std.EffDate) from dbo.Student Std1 where Std1.DS.DepartmentId = Std.DepartmentId and Std1.EffDate <= Ds.DataCycle) WHERE DS.IsActive = 4 i am expecting the results the records which are there in dbo.DepartmentStore that does'nt exists in dbo.Student. How i can tweak […]
How to use replace function - I have an ID column data that is having space at the last, and i am comparing this column data with other table column data as its nto matched getting NULLS ID - 65447093 if i copy and paste in notepad, the above id has space at the last and hence it accepting 9 charactrers; […]
duplicate problem after a join - Good morning al I encounter a duplicate problem in the result of my query I have a doubt that the result of the duplicate comes after my join Who can help me correct my request to remove the duplicate I try with distinct but it does not work ;with echantillon as ( select Ref_Contrat = […]
COUNT DATE - I need some help counting a date field. I tried the examples below and no luck COUNT(CAST(CONVERT(CHAR(11),  MyDateField , 113) COUNT(CONVERT(DATETIME, MyDateField, 101)) DATA: 2017-01-01 01:03:06.001 2017-01-01 01:04:05.002 2017-01-02 01:03:05.003 2017-01-02 01:04:04.006
Administration - SQL Server 2014
SQL Cluster Instance Inaccessible - For some reason, I have experienced an issue whereby the SQL Clustered instance starts but none of the accounts / Domain or otherwise can open up the instance in SSMS.  Even the SA account fails to work. I am after some suggestions?   The logs just show issues whereby application connections fail to open explicitly […]
Audit - What is the best way to audit all account activities  in sql server. ex: select or insert or alter index  etc executed by any user and the duration that activity ran.
SQL Server 2012 - T-SQL
Temp Tbl - Hi, I am new to using temp table and aware that they are created in Tempdb. However let us say if I use 'USE DB Test' code will it create in the test DB or still in Tempdb? I also wonder how they are beneficial. Example, SQL Server still has to create temp table ...does […]
SQL Server 2008 - General
I want Three tables to be joined and columns to be computed based on their value - I have 3 tables TABLE A (This Holds opening Balance of every individual student) =========================================== | Studid | FeeHeadId | Amount | AS_ON | =========================================== | 1 | 1 | 33 |2015-2016| | 1 | 2 | 11 |2015-2016| | 1 | 3 | 0 |2015-2016| | 1 | 4 | 0 |2015-2016| =========================================== N:B:- […]
Incorrect date from control table - Hi all   Hoping someone can spot something obvious on this one.....   We use a control table as we do incremental loads.  The control table stores the date/time when a document was last loaded successfully (it takes the date of the latest record to be loaded into the relevant table). Now, we've got an […]


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