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The Voice of the DBA

Micro Credentials

For all of my career, there has been a constant debate about the value of certifications. Early on I saw one boss move ahead because of his CNE (Certified Netware Engineer) credential. That got me moving in that direction, though I switched to an MCSE (Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer) track once Windows gained prominence and I found myself working in that arena.

These days there seem to be less certifications around in one sense. Certainly Microsoft and other vendors are spending less effort building and maintaining a program. At the same time, there is a variety of different products that you can get certified in using. A friend recently showed me the Redis University where you can complete courses and get a certificate. We even have Redgate University, designed to help you improve your ability to use our products.

Like many credentials, completing a course doesn't mean you are an expert, or competent, or even qualified with a product. There are numerous stories of people holding credentials and being unable to perform simple tasks in the real world. I'd counter with the fact that there are plenty of people with lots of experience on paper that equally cannot perform fairly rudimentary tasks.

Microsoft Philanthropies is experimenting with micro credentials, an idea of helping people to learn skills and tasks that aren't equivalent to formal education, but perhaps can take the place of other educational opportunities, such as a college degree. It's an interesting idea, and it fits nicely with my thoughts that your career requires continual learning and improvement, or as they put it, up-skilling.

There is a great quote in the article:  "Careers are no longer ladders. They are more like vines in a rainforest. You can swing on one and then grab another." I think that's true in technology, and likely true in many other fields as well. I've seen plenty of issues with workers trying to undertake year+ long programs to retrain in some other field, only to find out there aren't enough jobs or the skills are becoming obsolete quickly.

The future, in my mind, is that we need to be adaptable and flexible. We should have some basic skills, like logical problem solving and communication, but the specific syntax and muscle memory to work on any particular implementation are something we need to pick up quickly and gain competence in without a long learning period. This doesn't mean that expertise isn't valued, but flexibility and the willingness to continue to improve skills over time is more valuable.

Will this replace traditional universities in our business? I don't know, but I do think it could. There are still places where a formal education is valuable and useful, but I'm not sure if it matters in the field of technology. At the same time, unless organizations that hire individual stop requiring four year degrees, I'm not sure this matters. I hope they do, because a degree says something about you, but not necessarily more than other experiences and efforts that you can undertake.

Steve Jones - SSC Editor

Join the debate, and respond to today's editorial on the forums

Redgate SQL Source Control
 Featured Contents
Stairway to Biml

Stairway to Biml Level 8 – Using the Relational Database Metadata to Build Packages

Andy Leonard from

In this next level of the Stairway to Biml, we will examine how you can use the information stored in your RDBMS to build packages.

Free Solution Brief – Dedicated Database Environments for Dev, Test and CI

Additional Articles from Redgate

Developers and testers can be blocked from having a local, private database to work in because of disk space, refresh times, and data privacy. Download this free solution brief to learn how SQL Provision removes these blockers and enables production-like data to be delivered at speed. Download now.

Hosting a Machine Learning Model in ASP.NET Core 3.0

Additional Articles from SimpleTalk

Microsoft introduced the ML.NET framework which can be used by developers to include machine learning models in their applications. In this article, Dino Esposito discusses hosting a machine learning model in ASP.NET Core 3.0.

SQL Server Transaction Log Management eBook Download

Free eBook: SQL Server Transaction Log Management

Press Release from Redgate

When a SQL Server database is operating smoothly and performing well, there is no need to be particularly aware of the transaction log, beyond ensuring that every database has an appropriate backup regime and restore plan in place. When things go wrong, however, a DBA's reputation depends on a deeper understanding of the transaction log, both what it does, and how it works.

From the SQL Server Central Blogs - MS Ignite Day #2 Recap

jphillips 46546 from Another SQL Geek

Day 2 was my opportunity to be focused and dive into a few technologies that were really peaking my interest, namely Azure Synapse Analytics and SQL Server 2019. Since...

From the SQL Server Central Blogs - Microsoft Ignite Announcements

James Serra from James Serra's Blog

Microsoft Ignite has always announced many new products and new product features, and this year was no exception. Many exciting announcements, and below I list the major data platform...


 Question of the Day

Today's question (by Steve Jones - SSC Editor):


Limiting the Data Frame

I've got this data frame in R:
> travel
  Passenger FlightDate Destination Miles Dollars
1     Steve   20180225         LHR 11789    1100
2     Steve   20180512         LHR 10989    1500
3     Steve   20180620         LHR 11789    1800
4     Steve   20180830         LHR 11789    1100
5     Steve   20181015         LHR  9678    2700
6     Steve   20181212         LHR 10520    1500
7     Steve   20180810         MSY  2427     440
8     Steve   20180225         OSL  1502     210
9     Steve   20180225         DCA  1475     310
I want to extract out the flights to London (LHR) that were more than 10,000 miles. I try this:
> = subset(travel, Destination = "LHR" & Miles > 10000)
However, this doesn't work. I still see all my flights. What should I run?

Think you know the answer? Click here, and find out if you are right.



 Yesterday's Question of the Day (by Steve Jones - SSC Editor)

Computed Column Indexes

I have this definition for a computed column in my table:

ALTER TABLE dbo.Activities
ADD ProdOneCount AS CASE
                        WHEN ProductID = 1 THEN

I now want to run this code. What happens when I run this?

CREATE INDEX dbo.Activities_PRodOneCountThreshold
ON dbo.Activities (ProdOneCount)
WHERE CallCount > 50;

Answer: The index is created

Explanation: This works fine. There is no issue with adding a regular non clustered indexing on a computed column. Ref: Indexes on computed columns -

Discuss this question and answer on the forums




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SQL Server 2017 - Development
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TFS/Data Dude/DBPro
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