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SQL Server Central
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Question of the Day
The Voice of the DBA

Daily Coping Tip

Revisit a coping tip from the past and see if it helped you.

I also have a thread at SQLServerCentral dealing with coping mechanisms and resources. Feel free to participate.

For many of you out there working in a new way, I'm including a thought of the day on how to cope in this challenging time from The Action for Happiness Coping Calendar. My items will be on my blog, feel free to share yours.

The Challenge of New Platforms

I saw a customer asking about Exasol recently, which is an in-memory, columnar database. I know nothing about it, and it might work great, but we don't support it. I didn't think much of it, as I'm sure the customer has a reason for choosing this platform.

Later, however, I wondered if this was a good idea. Another customer had inquired about Knack, which I had never heard of either. Not only that, it's an online database that appears to assemble its "tables" from data stored in other systems. Strange, but I'm sure it works well for some companies, especially those without many software developers.

I often find there are developers, or even analysts, that find a new platform that appears to work better for their particular problem. Sometimes they're excited, sometimes they have some experience in the past, but there seems to be a regular push to add new types of technology to many organizations. Often technology that isn't substantially different in function from something that already is in place.

Whenever you add a new technology to your organization, you are adding more than the capabilities. You are also adding the support of this system, which means not only training end users, but also training the staff that has to support the software. If you do this too often, you risk having staff that don't know how to keep things running efficiently. This is why we rarely see companies changing their core database platform. The change is a big disruption.

What's more, our staff is not consistent across time. People come and go, and finding new people can be hard. Especially those that know all of our technology stacks. I appreciate and would like to see more customers working with new platforms, but I also think this has to be something an org considers carefully. After all, many software companies limit the number of products and versions they support for this very reason.

There's also the problem of technology becoming end-of-life'd. While we might think database platforms are around forever, some of them have disappeared over time, and even if they exist, support goes away. We might find ourselves with the need to upgrade multiple platforms, each of which requires different knowledge. Our staff might spend a lot of time learning and practicing upgrades for disparate platforms, knowledge that doesn't transfer to the next upgrade.

I am not advocating for everyone to run SQL Server (or PostgreSQL or MySQL or DB2 or Snowflake, etc.) I do think there are reasons why we might choose to use Synapse or Teradata instead of an Oracle database. However, I think the list of platforms ought to be limited in some way. Just like our list of programming languages should be limited. Having a handle on our domain of skills makes it easier to find, train, grow, and build knowledgeable staff. Adding to the list ought to be done slow and carefully, after some debate, discussion, and voting.

I am glad that there are so many RDBMS platforms, and NOSQL platforms. It's great to see people building new and improved databases. This work is how we get amazing datastores like Neo4J, Redis, and ElasticSearch. At the same time, I do think caution about adding new platforms is warranted inside of organizations. Reusing the knowledge we have should be the first thought, with the decision to grow based on a true need, not just someone's desire to play with something new.

Steve Jones - SSC Editor

Join the debate, and respond to today's editorial on the forums

 Featured Contents
SQLServerCentral Article

Amazon RDS - Configuring a Connection to a SQL Server Instance

Br. Kenneth Igiri from SQLServerCentral

In this article, you will learn how to configure an RDS database for connections from client tools.

External Article

New Flyway Course on Redgate University

Additional Articles from Redgate

Flyway Desktop is the newest way to automate database deployments. In this brand new course Kathi Kellenberger provides an overview of DevOps, including definitions, tools, and demos of some of the advanced features available in Flyway Desktop.

External Article

An Introduction to SQL Triggers

Additional Articles from

Learn about SQL Server triggers and how to use them for inserts, updates, and deletes on a table, along with step-by-step examples.

Blog Post

From the SQL Server Central Blogs - SQL Temporal Tables — Gotcha!!!

gbargsley from GarryBargsley

Hello, again reader… Today, I will discuss a gotcha I ran across with SQL Server Temporal Tables. In my day-to-day environment, we do not use Temporal Tables widely.  However,...

Blog Post

From the SQL Server Central Blogs - Where Is My SQL Server Errorlog?

Kevin3NF from Dallas DBAs

If you need to find the SQL Server ErrorLog in a hurry and don’t want to spend 30 minutes drilling into every drive on the server: “I don’t watch...


 Question of the Day

Today's question (by Steve Jones - SSC Editor):


Checking Time

What does this code return?
 FROM sys.dm_io_virtual_file_stats (   1,1)

Think you know the answer? Click here, and find out if you are right.



 Yesterday's Question of the Day (by Steve Jones - SSC Editor)

The SQL Variant Types

I run this code on SQL Server 2019:

CREATE TABLE sqlvariantdata
( myid INT IDENTITY(1,1),
INSERT dbo.sqlvariantdata (mydata) VALUES (1)
INSERT dbo.sqlvariantdata (mydata) VALUES ('ABC')
INSERT dbo.sqlvariantdata (mydata) VALUES (CAST('2022-11-09' AS DATE))
SELECT top 10
 s.mydata, SQL_VARIANT_PROPERTY(s.mydata, 'BaseType')
 FROM dbo.sqlvariantdata AS s

What are the values returned from the SQL_VARIANT_PROPERTY() function?

Answer: This returns int, varchar, and date

Explanation: The base type of data in the sql_variant column is the type that was inserted into the row. In this case, the number if implicitly cast as an int. The string is a varchar, and the date is explicitly cast. Ref: sql_variant_property -

Discuss this question and answer on the forums




Database Pros Who Need Your Help

Here's a few of the new posts today on the forums. To see more, visit the forums.

SQL Server 2017 - Development
Remove certain unknown amounts of character from a string - All,   I have a field, SourceID, that looks like the folloing V0008048 V0011675 V0000145   In each instance I need to remove the V and all of the zeros, so I should return the following: 8048 11675 145   Ive tried a replace, trims and nothing will work.  Is this possible?   Thank you!
Split string - I have a table where values into field is like this way There are multiple rows now we need to find distinct value from all this row and create a lookup table Here are 3 rows from this tables 1       ["Acct Vert - Chemical","Acct Vert - Energy","Acct Vert - Seaport","Prod Vert - Access […]
SQL Server 2016 - Administration
Non Clustered Index - Quick question If I create Non Clustered index on a table will that help if there is no Clustered Index on a table? If yes how, I was in the impression to work Non clustered Index table should have clustered index or it will show Heap on the table
SQL Server 2016 - Development and T-SQL
How to get ID from XML file? - Hi all, So I have some XML files which contains person's name and addresses in their respective nodes. Sample of XML file code is below: P965 John Kyle
</Individuals/>   Now what I am trying to do is I am fetching all the data from Individual […]
SQL Server 2019 - Administration
SQL Change null values for integer column - Hi All, In MSSQL How can I handle null values for integer column. Do I need to update null to zero maybe? I am doing BCP out from MSSQL to MYSQL. The text file is having null-empty values and MYSQL load is errors out with Incorrect integer value.
SQL Server 2019 - Development
SSMS csv export file is missing leading zeroes for Numeric data types - Hi, I am working to move data from SQL Server to BigQuery.  I tried exporting the .csv data out via SSMS (Tasks + Export Data), but noticed that all the columns that have numeric data types have leading zeroes missing (.0000053653 instead of 0.0000053653).  This is causing issues when I try to import into BigQuery.  […]
How can i get the more accurate and optimzed grouped data ? - Hi , I need to get the correction and a way to group it in a better and efficient way. What I want is that I need to group the data on the bases of RenterUserId or MainDriverUserId in following cases /scenarios 1). Take the count of ba.Id (BookingAgreements) When RentalAgreementId is not equal to null or […]
SQL Syntax for BETWEEN any dates and specific time - hi all i want to ask how to select from any dates and spesific time id          date 1            2022-01-01 00:00:00 2            2022-01-02 05:00:00 3            2022-01-03 09:00:00 i want to select from 00:00:00 - 06:00:00 how to […]
Refinement of my query in a best way with optimum results (for large data) - How can I refine my query in a best way with optimum results (for large database tables) ? I tried to optimize the query with same results. please see my query. I used two inner join by using the same derived tables which is fine. Our client is now experiencing the slow performance issues by […]
Analyzing a huge ( more than 10600 lines )stoc proc using cte - Hello commuty, Need your help,  your support and proposition! I'm analysis a huge stoc proc in sql server including a list of cte , but it's very complicated to understand the differents dependencies, Are there any tools or code that help to display a list of tables used in each cte ! Or to show […]
SQL Azure - Development
Azure AD Integrated Security on a Mac Connecting to Azure SQL database - Hopefully the great minds here can help,  to give some back ground to the situation we have Azure SQL databases created which we are trying to ensure that all access to the DB is via Azure Active Directory authenticated users, we don't want SQL Auth users as you probably know people will share the user […]
New to Azure - which IDE tools? - I've been working as a developer within SQL Server for over 15 years now (DWH and transactional) and think it's time I added SQL Azure to my toolbelt. I've created an account, server and database etc in Azure. Which tools are commonly used in organisations for doing the actual development? I've got Azure Data Studio […]
Azure Data Factory
How to copy ADF pipeline from one subscription to another and change the config - Hello, I have a pipeline which is a chain of several sprocs, activities etc... My ADF uses user assigned managed identity of the relevant subscription, let's call it ArchiveUser that accesses several Azure sql servers and azure blob storages. Pipeline in Dev Dev subscription ArchiveUser set up in dev subscription Azure sql servers in dev […]
SOAP request - I'm trying to test a SOAP request from powershell, but getting an error. I goggled error but solutions don't seem to be working... any suggestions to fix? Error: Reading and converting file to XmlDocument: c:\miscjunk\soap-W.txt Sending SOAP Request To Server: Initiating Send. Send Complete, Waiting For Response. Exception calling "GetResponse" with "0" argument(s): "The […]
Strategies and Ideas
Questions about Fact Table structure - Hi Everyone, I created a data warehouse allowing to analyze data from the commodity trading business. I have multiple fact tables which are refreshed every night and for some customers up to 3 times per day. In all the fact tables, I have some measures and dimension keys and always a specific column called "ValuationDatecode" […]


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