SQLServerCentral Editorial

Moving to the Cloud


https://farm1.static.flickr.com/211/494749811_7f338637c0.jpgLast year sometime I saw a blog post from an MVP that said inside of 5 years we'll be more likely to think cloud-first when creating databases. I wasn't sure that was the case and thought we might get there, but it would be a decade, and that we'd be thinking private cloud first, not public one.

Apparently Microsoft is really thinking cloud. At the recent TechEd show they pushed the cloud in many of their sessions and keynotes, and I saw an article on ZDNet recently that Microsoft plans on 85-90% of their apps to the cloud in the next decade. They've done similar pushes in the past, and they haven't always worked out, but I think the cloud will work out for them.

And that means it will be something we'll likely be dealing with.

I know there's a lot of resistance to moving things to a cloud architecture, but I think in some sense that it's misplaced. The idea of a cloud, just like the idea of a virtual machine, isn't good or bad. The implementation, the design, the security, and the performance will determine if the cloud is a good fit for your particular application.

However like the environments in which many of us work today, I expect that the mixed environment of the future will include some cloud applications, including cloud databases.

Steve Jones

The Voice of the DBA Podcasts

Everyday Jones

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