Get date/time for each record inserted in a table

  • Hi friends,

    This is a problem faced by the development guys at my workplace.

    suppose you have about 50 records inserted in a table at different intervals of time.How do you retrieve the date/time of individual rows inserted or updated in the table if you do not already have a created_date column showing the date of the corresponding record...Like does sql server have hidden date recorded somewhere corresponding to a row inserted or modified in a table and if so how to retrieve it??


  • The only place I can think of would be the transaction log file.

    Other than that: AFAIK there is no hidden date recorded.

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  • In that case could you suggest some method to retrieve that date from the transaction log for each row??........I tried dbcc log...but that wasnt much help..or rather i couldnt make out anything.....

    thanks for the help

  • can you give me the query for getting date for each record inserted in a table?

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