Replace cursor with while loop / compare cursor with while loop / optimize cursor

  • Would like to replace cursor with while loop in the following stored procedure or at least compare

    performance with while loop. Can someone supply me with while loop non-cursor T-SQL statement ?


    The purpose of this stored procedure is to:

    polulate LocationDateTime column with data (date) where the EventType IN (1),

    polulate EndLocationDateTime column with data (date) where the EventType IN (0),

    from table dbo.tmpTable1.

    select top 4 * from table dbo.tmpTable1:

    ItemId, LocationDateTime, EndLocationDateTime, EventType

    100, 2009-11-01 07:28:00, NULL, 1

    100, 2009-11-01 07:32:00, NULL, 0

    100, 2009-11-01 07:59:00, NULL, 1

    100, 2009-11-01 08:13:00, NULL, 0

    Result after cursor update: (@tmpTable)

    ItemId, LocationDateTime, EndLocationDateTime

    100, 2009-11-01 07:28:00, 2009-11-01 07:32:00

    100, 2009-11-01 07:59:00, 2009-11-01 08:13:00


    CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[proc_xx]

    @iSubsID int,

    @dStartDate datetime = Null,

    @dEndDate datetime = Null,

    @iTimeOffset int = 120,

    @iUserID int




    DECLARE @tmpTable TABLE


    ItemId VARCHAR(20),

    LocationDateTime DATETIME,

    EndLocationDateTime DATETIME



    @ldtStartDate DATETIME,

    @ldtEndDate DATETIME,

    @liSubsID INT,

    @liTimeOffset INT,

    @ItemId VARCHAR(20),

    @LocationDateTime DATETIME,

    @EventType INT,

    @lvcItemId VARCHAR(9)

    SET @lUserID = @iUserID

    SET @ldtStartDate = ISNULL(@dStartDate,DATEADD(month,-1,DATEADD(mm, DATEDIFF(mm,0,GETDATE()), 0)))

    SET @ldtEndDate = ISNULL(@dEndDate,DATEADD(ms, -3, DATEADD(mm, DATEDIFF(mm, 0, GETDATE()), 0)))

    SET @liTimeOffset = @iTimeOffset

    IF @iSubsID = -1


    SET @liSubsID = NULL




    SET @liSubsID = @iSubsID


    DECLARE Travel_cursor CURSOR










    OPEN Travel_cursor

    FETCH NEXT FROM Travel_cursor INTO






    IF @EventType IN (1)


    INSERT INTO @tmpTable














    -- This part updates EndLocationDateTime





    EndLocationDateTime = @LocationDateTime


    ItemId = @ItemId

    AND EndLocationDateTime IS NULL

    AND LocationDateTime < @LocationDateTime


    -- This part supplies value for @LocationDateTime

    FETCH NEXT FROM Travel_cursor INTO





    -- SELECT * FROM @tmpTable is purely to display the result after cursor update.

    -- The result (@tmpTable) is fed into a select statement which uses the difference between

    -- LocationDateTime and EndLocationDateTime to populate a column.

    SELECT * FROM @tmpTable

    CLOSE Travel_cursor

    DEALLOCATE Travel_cursor

    -- exec proc_xx 47579, '2009/11/01', '2009/11/30 23:59:59', 120, 16899

  • If Jeff suggested that you do this, I suggest you figure out how to write the query using a while loop. Give it a shot. If you have problems, post your code and what the problem is, and I'm sure some one will step up to help.

  • Hi Lynn, I am hoping to get several different ways (cursor/while loop/etc.) to do same thing, so I can try them all and see which is fastest. The stored procedure is used on a SQL Server Reporting Services server. This stored procedure is part of SSIS package used for several clients to export report to .xls file and ftp to various client folders on ftp server (over 1000 files exported with monthly reports). Since its used for monthy/weekly/daily reports, I am trying to see if can speed up the export report process (especially for monthly reports).

  • Is the following order of records guarantteed, or could you get a type 1 with no following type 0, or could you get 2 consecutive type 1's or 0's?

    100, 2009-11-01 07:28:00, NULL, 1

    100, 2009-11-01 07:32:00, NULL, 0

    100, 2009-11-01 07:59:00, NULL, 1

    100, 2009-11-01 08:13:00, NULL, 0

  • Hi Lynn, I attached the script to create the table and insert the data.

    Please view attachment: script for tmpTable1.rar

  • clive-421796 (12/9/2009)

    Hi Lynn, I attached the script to create the table and insert the data.

    Please view attachment: script for tmpTable1.rar

    Before I look, could you at least answer my question?

  • From Lynn:

    Is the following order of records guarantteed, or could you get a type 1 with no following type 0, or could you get 2 consecutive type 1's or 0's?

    Hi Lynn, I pasted part of the table insert script below

    (some places there is 2 consecutive 0's or 1's):

    INSERT INTO [tmpTable1] (ItemId,LocationDateTime,EndLocationDateTime,EventType)

    VALUES ('412061','2009-11-01 07:20:00','','1')

    INSERT INTO [tmpTable1] (ItemId,LocationDateTime,EndLocationDateTime,EventType)

    VALUES ('412061','2009-11-01 07:32:02','','0')

    INSERT INTO [tmpTable1] (ItemId,LocationDateTime,EndLocationDateTime,EventType)

    VALUES ('412061','2009-11-01 07:59:00','','1')

    INSERT INTO [tmpTable1] (ItemId,LocationDateTime,EndLocationDateTime,EventType)

    VALUES ('412061','2009-11-01 08:13:02','','0')

    INSERT INTO [tmpTable1] (ItemId,LocationDateTime,EndLocationDateTime,EventType)

    VALUES ('412061','2009-11-01 10:40:00','','1')

    INSERT INTO [tmpTable1] (ItemId,LocationDateTime,EndLocationDateTime,EventType)

    VALUES ('412061','2009-11-01 10:42:04','','0')

    INSERT INTO [tmpTable1] (ItemId,LocationDateTime,EndLocationDateTime,EventType)

    VALUES ('412061','2009-11-01 11:13:00','','1')

    INSERT INTO [tmpTable1] (ItemId,LocationDateTime,EndLocationDateTime,EventType)

    VALUES ('412061','2009-11-01 11:47:02','','0')

    INSERT INTO [tmpTable1] (ItemId,LocationDateTime,EndLocationDateTime,EventType)

    VALUES ('5158296','2009-11-01 14:41:00','','1')

    INSERT INTO [tmpTable1] (ItemId,LocationDateTime,EndLocationDateTime,EventType)

    VALUES ('5158296','2009-11-01 15:06:01','','0')

    INSERT INTO [tmpTable1] (ItemId,LocationDateTime,EndLocationDateTime,EventType)

    VALUES ('412061','2009-11-01 15:36:00','','1')

    INSERT INTO [tmpTable1] (ItemId,LocationDateTime,EndLocationDateTime,EventType)

    VALUES ('412061','2009-11-01 15:44:03','','0')

    INSERT INTO [tmpTable1] (ItemId,LocationDateTime,EndLocationDateTime,EventType)

    VALUES ('5158296','2009-11-01 16:43:00','','1')

    INSERT INTO [tmpTable1] (ItemId,LocationDateTime,EndLocationDateTime,EventType)

    VALUES ('412061','2009-11-01 17:03:00','','1')

    INSERT INTO [tmpTable1] (ItemId,LocationDateTime,EndLocationDateTime,EventType)

    VALUES ('5158296','2009-11-01 17:23:00','','0')

    INSERT INTO [tmpTable1] (ItemId,LocationDateTime,EndLocationDateTime,EventType)

    VALUES ('5158296','2009-11-01 17:25:00','','1')

    INSERT INTO [tmpTable1] (ItemId,LocationDateTime,EndLocationDateTime,EventType)

    VALUES ('5158296','2009-11-01 17:27:01','','0')

    INSERT INTO [tmpTable1] (ItemId,LocationDateTime,EndLocationDateTime,EventType)

    VALUES ('412061','2009-11-01 18:22:02','','0')

    INSERT INTO [tmpTable1] (ItemId,LocationDateTime,EndLocationDateTime,EventType)

    VALUES ('412061','2009-11-02 03:56:00','','1')

    INSERT INTO [tmpTable1] (ItemId,LocationDateTime,EndLocationDateTime,EventType)

    VALUES ('412061','2009-11-02 05:20:00','','0')

    INSERT INTO [tmpTable1] (ItemId,LocationDateTime,EndLocationDateTime,EventType)

    VALUES ('5158296','2009-11-02 05:49:00','','1')

    INSERT INTO [tmpTable1] (ItemId,LocationDateTime,EndLocationDateTime,EventType)

    VALUES ('5158296','2009-11-02 06:16:00','','0')

    INSERT INTO [tmpTable1] (ItemId,LocationDateTime,EndLocationDateTime,EventType)

    VALUES ('412061','2009-11-02 06:28:00','','1')

    INSERT INTO [tmpTable1] (ItemId,LocationDateTime,EndLocationDateTime,EventType)

    VALUES ('412061','2009-11-02 06:33:03','','0')

    INSERT INTO [tmpTable1] (ItemId,LocationDateTime,EndLocationDateTime,EventType)

    VALUES ('412061','2009-11-02 06:45:00','','1')

    INSERT INTO [tmpTable1] (ItemId,LocationDateTime,EndLocationDateTime,EventType)

    VALUES ('412061','2009-11-02 07:22:04','','0')

    INSERT INTO [tmpTable1] (ItemId,LocationDateTime,EndLocationDateTime,EventType)

    VALUES ('412061','2009-11-02 07:41:00','','1')

    INSERT INTO [tmpTable1] (ItemId,LocationDateTime,EndLocationDateTime,EventType)

    VALUES ('412061','2009-11-02 07:44:03','','0')

    INSERT INTO [tmpTable1] (ItemId,LocationDateTime,EndLocationDateTime,EventType)

    VALUES ('5158296','2009-11-02 07:59:00','','1')

    INSERT INTO [tmpTable1] (ItemId,LocationDateTime,EndLocationDateTime,EventType)

    VALUES ('5158296','2009-11-02 08:14:00','','0')

    INSERT INTO [tmpTable1] (ItemId,LocationDateTime,EndLocationDateTime,EventType)

    VALUES ('412061','2009-11-02 08:27:00','','1')

    INSERT INTO [tmpTable1] (ItemId,LocationDateTime,EndLocationDateTime,EventType)

    VALUES ('412061','2009-11-02 08:54:03','','0')

    INSERT INTO [tmpTable1] (ItemId,LocationDateTime,EndLocationDateTime,EventType)

    VALUES ('412061','2009-11-02 10:07:00','','1')

    INSERT INTO [tmpTable1] (ItemId,LocationDateTime,EndLocationDateTime,EventType)

    VALUES ('412061','2009-11-02 10:32:03','','0')

    INSERT INTO [tmpTable1] (ItemId,LocationDateTime,EndLocationDateTime,EventType)

    VALUES ('5158296','2009-11-02 11:52:00','','1')

    INSERT INTO [tmpTable1] (ItemId,LocationDateTime,EndLocationDateTime,EventType)

    VALUES ('412061','2009-11-02 12:22:00','','1')

    INSERT INTO [tmpTable1] (ItemId,LocationDateTime,EndLocationDateTime,EventType)

    VALUES ('412061','2009-11-02 12:41:00','','0')

    INSERT INTO [tmpTable1] (ItemId,LocationDateTime,EndLocationDateTime,EventType)

    VALUES ('5158296','2009-11-02 12:46:00','','0')

    INSERT INTO [tmpTable1] (ItemId,LocationDateTime,EndLocationDateTime,EventType)

    VALUES ('412061','2009-11-02 13:14:00','','1')

    INSERT INTO [tmpTable1] (ItemId,LocationDateTime,EndLocationDateTime,EventType)

    VALUES ('412061','2009-11-02 13:26:04','','0')

    INSERT INTO [tmpTable1] (ItemId,LocationDateTime,EndLocationDateTime,EventType)

    VALUES ('412061','2009-11-03 06:34:00','','1')

    INSERT INTO [tmpTable1] (ItemId,LocationDateTime,EndLocationDateTime,EventType)

    VALUES ('5158296','2009-11-03 06:53:00','','1')

    INSERT INTO [tmpTable1] (ItemId,LocationDateTime,EndLocationDateTime,EventType)

    VALUES ('5158296','2009-11-03 06:56:00','','0')

    INSERT INTO [tmpTable1] (ItemId,LocationDateTime,EndLocationDateTime,EventType)

    VALUES ('412061','2009-11-03 06:59:00','','0')

  • Based on your sample table and data:

    with CombinedData as (


    row_number() over (partition by ItemId order by LocationDateTime asc) as RowNum,











    cd2.LocationDateTime as EndLocationDateTime


    CombinedData cd1

    left outer join CombinedData cd2

    on (cd1.ItemId = cd2.ItemId

    and cd1.RowNum = cd2.RowNum - 1)


    cd1.EventType = 1

  • Lynn Pettis (12/9/2009)

    Based on your sample table and data:

    with CombinedData as (


    row_number() over (partition by ItemId order by LocationDateTime asc) as RowNum,











    cd2.LocationDateTime as EndLocationDateTime


    CombinedData cd1

    left outer join CombinedData cd2

    on (cd1.ItemId = cd2.ItemId

    and cd1.RowNum = cd2.RowNum - 1)


    cd1.EventType = 1

    I was just getting ready to post a similar solution when I hit refresh to verify. Lo and behold Lynn beat me to the punch.

    The short of it, there shouldn't be a reason to use RBAR for this query when set based will work.

    Jason...AKA CirqueDeSQLeil
    I have given a name to my pain...MCM SQL Server, MVP
    Posting Performance Based Questions - Gail Shaw[/url]
    Learn Extended Events

  • clive-421796 (12/9/2009)

    From Lynn:

    Is the following order of records guarantteed, or could you get a type 1 with no following type 0, or could you get 2 consecutive type 1's or 0's?

    Hi Lynn, I pasted part of the table insert script below

    (some places there is 2 consecutive 0's or 1's):

    INSERT INTO [tmpTable1] (ItemId,LocationDateTime,EndLocationDateTime,EventType)

    VALUES ('412061','2009-11-01 07:20:00','','1')

    INSERT INTO [tmpTable1] (ItemId,LocationDateTime,EndLocationDateTime,EventType)

    VALUES ('412061','2009-11-01 07:32:02','','0')

    INSERT INTO [tmpTable1] (ItemId,LocationDateTime,EndLocationDateTime,EventType)

    VALUES ('412061','2009-11-01 07:59:00','','1')

    INSERT INTO [tmpTable1] (ItemId,LocationDateTime,EndLocationDateTime,EventType)

    VALUES ('412061','2009-11-01 08:13:02','','0')

    INSERT INTO [tmpTable1] (ItemId,LocationDateTime,EndLocationDateTime,EventType)

    VALUES ('412061','2009-11-01 10:40:00','','1')

    INSERT INTO [tmpTable1] (ItemId,LocationDateTime,EndLocationDateTime,EventType)

    VALUES ('412061','2009-11-01 10:42:04','','0')

    INSERT INTO [tmpTable1] (ItemId,LocationDateTime,EndLocationDateTime,EventType)

    VALUES ('412061','2009-11-01 11:13:00','','1')

    INSERT INTO [tmpTable1] (ItemId,LocationDateTime,EndLocationDateTime,EventType)

    VALUES ('412061','2009-11-01 11:47:02','','0')

    INSERT INTO [tmpTable1] (ItemId,LocationDateTime,EndLocationDateTime,EventType)

    VALUES ('5158296','2009-11-01 14:41:00','','1')

    INSERT INTO [tmpTable1] (ItemId,LocationDateTime,EndLocationDateTime,EventType)

    VALUES ('5158296','2009-11-01 15:06:01','','0')

    INSERT INTO [tmpTable1] (ItemId,LocationDateTime,EndLocationDateTime,EventType)

    VALUES ('412061','2009-11-01 15:36:00','','1')

    INSERT INTO [tmpTable1] (ItemId,LocationDateTime,EndLocationDateTime,EventType)

    VALUES ('412061','2009-11-01 15:44:03','','0')

    INSERT INTO [tmpTable1] (ItemId,LocationDateTime,EndLocationDateTime,EventType)

    VALUES ('5158296','2009-11-01 16:43:00','','1')

    INSERT INTO [tmpTable1] (ItemId,LocationDateTime,EndLocationDateTime,EventType)

    VALUES ('412061','2009-11-01 17:03:00','','1')

    INSERT INTO [tmpTable1] (ItemId,LocationDateTime,EndLocationDateTime,EventType)

    VALUES ('5158296','2009-11-01 17:23:00','','0')

    INSERT INTO [tmpTable1] (ItemId,LocationDateTime,EndLocationDateTime,EventType)

    VALUES ('5158296','2009-11-01 17:25:00','','1')

    INSERT INTO [tmpTable1] (ItemId,LocationDateTime,EndLocationDateTime,EventType)

    VALUES ('5158296','2009-11-01 17:27:01','','0')

    INSERT INTO [tmpTable1] (ItemId,LocationDateTime,EndLocationDateTime,EventType)

    VALUES ('412061','2009-11-01 18:22:02','','0')

    INSERT INTO [tmpTable1] (ItemId,LocationDateTime,EndLocationDateTime,EventType)

    VALUES ('412061','2009-11-02 03:56:00','','1')

    INSERT INTO [tmpTable1] (ItemId,LocationDateTime,EndLocationDateTime,EventType)

    VALUES ('412061','2009-11-02 05:20:00','','0')

    INSERT INTO [tmpTable1] (ItemId,LocationDateTime,EndLocationDateTime,EventType)

    VALUES ('5158296','2009-11-02 05:49:00','','1')

    INSERT INTO [tmpTable1] (ItemId,LocationDateTime,EndLocationDateTime,EventType)

    VALUES ('5158296','2009-11-02 06:16:00','','0')

    INSERT INTO [tmpTable1] (ItemId,LocationDateTime,EndLocationDateTime,EventType)

    VALUES ('412061','2009-11-02 06:28:00','','1')

    INSERT INTO [tmpTable1] (ItemId,LocationDateTime,EndLocationDateTime,EventType)

    VALUES ('412061','2009-11-02 06:33:03','','0')

    INSERT INTO [tmpTable1] (ItemId,LocationDateTime,EndLocationDateTime,EventType)

    VALUES ('412061','2009-11-02 06:45:00','','1')

    INSERT INTO [tmpTable1] (ItemId,LocationDateTime,EndLocationDateTime,EventType)

    VALUES ('412061','2009-11-02 07:22:04','','0')

    INSERT INTO [tmpTable1] (ItemId,LocationDateTime,EndLocationDateTime,EventType)

    VALUES ('412061','2009-11-02 07:41:00','','1')

    INSERT INTO [tmpTable1] (ItemId,LocationDateTime,EndLocationDateTime,EventType)

    VALUES ('412061','2009-11-02 07:44:03','','0')

    INSERT INTO [tmpTable1] (ItemId,LocationDateTime,EndLocationDateTime,EventType)

    VALUES ('5158296','2009-11-02 07:59:00','','1')

    INSERT INTO [tmpTable1] (ItemId,LocationDateTime,EndLocationDateTime,EventType)

    VALUES ('5158296','2009-11-02 08:14:00','','0')

    INSERT INTO [tmpTable1] (ItemId,LocationDateTime,EndLocationDateTime,EventType)

    VALUES ('412061','2009-11-02 08:27:00','','1')

    INSERT INTO [tmpTable1] (ItemId,LocationDateTime,EndLocationDateTime,EventType)

    VALUES ('412061','2009-11-02 08:54:03','','0')

    INSERT INTO [tmpTable1] (ItemId,LocationDateTime,EndLocationDateTime,EventType)

    VALUES ('412061','2009-11-02 10:07:00','','1')

    INSERT INTO [tmpTable1] (ItemId,LocationDateTime,EndLocationDateTime,EventType)

    VALUES ('412061','2009-11-02 10:32:03','','0')

    INSERT INTO [tmpTable1] (ItemId,LocationDateTime,EndLocationDateTime,EventType)

    VALUES ('5158296','2009-11-02 11:52:00','','1')

    INSERT INTO [tmpTable1] (ItemId,LocationDateTime,EndLocationDateTime,EventType)

    VALUES ('412061','2009-11-02 12:22:00','','1')

    INSERT INTO [tmpTable1] (ItemId,LocationDateTime,EndLocationDateTime,EventType)

    VALUES ('412061','2009-11-02 12:41:00','','0')

    INSERT INTO [tmpTable1] (ItemId,LocationDateTime,EndLocationDateTime,EventType)

    VALUES ('5158296','2009-11-02 12:46:00','','0')

    INSERT INTO [tmpTable1] (ItemId,LocationDateTime,EndLocationDateTime,EventType)

    VALUES ('412061','2009-11-02 13:14:00','','1')

    INSERT INTO [tmpTable1] (ItemId,LocationDateTime,EndLocationDateTime,EventType)

    VALUES ('412061','2009-11-02 13:26:04','','0')

    INSERT INTO [tmpTable1] (ItemId,LocationDateTime,EndLocationDateTime,EventType)

    VALUES ('412061','2009-11-03 06:34:00','','1')

    INSERT INTO [tmpTable1] (ItemId,LocationDateTime,EndLocationDateTime,EventType)

    VALUES ('5158296','2009-11-03 06:53:00','','1')

    INSERT INTO [tmpTable1] (ItemId,LocationDateTime,EndLocationDateTime,EventType)

    VALUES ('5158296','2009-11-03 06:56:00','','0')

    INSERT INTO [tmpTable1] (ItemId,LocationDateTime,EndLocationDateTime,EventType)

    VALUES ('412061','2009-11-03 06:59:00','','0')

    Didn't really answer the question. For each ItemId, is the order consistant? Your cursor code runs through the data top to bottom, but it checks the ItemId when doing the update indicating that the data should be sorted by ItemID, LocationDateTime. If sorted this way, will you always have a 1 followed by a 0? Is it possible to have a 1 with no subsequent 0?

  • Hi Lynn, you're spot on, for the same ItemId there should be 1, 0, 1, 0.

    View below:

    INSERT INTO [tmpTable1] (ItemId,LocationDateTime,EndLocationDateTime,EventType)

    VALUES ('412061','2009-11-05 03:54:00','','1')

    INSERT INTO [tmpTable1] (ItemId,LocationDateTime,EndLocationDateTime,EventType)

    VALUES ('412061','2009-11-05 05:27:02','','0')

    Where there is a 1,1 or 0,0 its because there is an overlap of ItemId's, view below:

    INSERT INTO [tmpTable1] (ItemId,LocationDateTime,EndLocationDateTime,EventType)

    VALUES ('5158296','2009-11-05 05:55:00','','1')

    INSERT INTO [tmpTable1] (ItemId,LocationDateTime,EndLocationDateTime,EventType)

    VALUES ('412061','2009-11-05 05:59:00','','1')

    INSERT INTO [tmpTable1] (ItemId,LocationDateTime,EndLocationDateTime,EventType)

    VALUES ('412061','2009-11-05 06:00:00','','0')

    INSERT INTO [tmpTable1] (ItemId,LocationDateTime,EndLocationDateTime,EventType)

    VALUES ('5158296','2009-11-05 06:01:01','','0')

    INSERT INTO [tmpTable1] (ItemId,LocationDateTime,EndLocationDateTime,EventType)

    VALUES ('5158296','2009-11-05 06:03:01','','1')

    INSERT INTO [tmpTable1] (ItemId,LocationDateTime,EndLocationDateTime,EventType)

    VALUES ('412061','2009-11-05 06:13:00','','1')

    INSERT INTO [tmpTable1] (ItemId,LocationDateTime,EndLocationDateTime,EventType)

    VALUES ('5158296','2009-11-05 06:13:00','','0')

    INSERT INTO [tmpTable1] (ItemId,LocationDateTime,EndLocationDateTime,EventType)

    VALUES ('412061','2009-11-05 06:14:00','','0')

    INSERT INTO [tmpTable1] (ItemId,LocationDateTime,EndLocationDateTime,EventType)

    VALUES ('5158296','2009-11-05 06:16:00','','1')

    INSERT INTO [tmpTable1] (ItemId,LocationDateTime,EndLocationDateTime,EventType)

    VALUES ('412061','2009-11-05 06:27:00','','1')

    INSERT INTO [tmpTable1] (ItemId,LocationDateTime,EndLocationDateTime,EventType)

    VALUES ('5158296','2009-11-05 06:31:01','','0')

    INSERT INTO [tmpTable1] (ItemId,LocationDateTime,EndLocationDateTime,EventType)

    VALUES ('412061','2009-11-05 06:35:00','','0')

  • Hi Lynn, thanks for your speedy reply and solution. Much appreciated. Will test and also compare runtime of cursor vs your script, add the comparison results to this forum.

  • I can't review this now, but did you try the version of code I provided on the other post you had for this?

    select itemid

    ,max(case eventtype when 1 then locationtime else null end) as starttime

    ,max(case eventtype when 0 then locationtime else null end) as endtime

    from #temp

    group by itemid

    You may need min for start time if multiples are possible.

    Kevin G. Boles
    SQL Server Consultant
    SQL MVP 2007-2012
    TheSQLGuru on googles mail service

  • Lynn Pettis (12/9/2009)

    If Jeff suggested that you do this, I suggest you figure out how to write the query using a while loop. Give it a shot. If you have problems, post your code and what the problem is, and I'm sure some one will step up to help.

    Just to be clear... Clive suggested that he wanted to replace a Cursor with a While Loop on the other post. My suggestion was that if Clive wanted to replace the Cursor code with While Loop code, that he shouldn't bother because a Forward_Only, Read_Only Cursor would do just as well.

    I also suggested that he post it on a T-SQL forum instead of an article thread to get better help considering that there are also other problems in the code besides the RBAR.

    --Jeff Moden

    RBAR is pronounced "ree-bar" and is a "Modenism" for Row-By-Agonizing-Row.
    First step towards the paradigm shift of writing Set Based code:
    ________Stop thinking about what you want to do to a ROW... think, instead, of what you want to do to a COLUMN.

    Change is inevitable... Change for the better is not.

    Helpful Links:
    How to post code problems
    How to Post Performance Problems
    Create a Tally Function (fnTally)

  • Jeff Moden (12/9/2009)

    Lynn Pettis (12/9/2009)

    If Jeff suggested that you do this, I suggest you figure out how to write the query using a while loop. Give it a shot. If you have problems, post your code and what the problem is, and I'm sure some one will step up to help.

    Just to be clear... Clive suggested that he wanted to replace a Cursor with a While Loop on the other post. My suggestion was that if Clive wanted to replace the Cursor code with While Loop code, that he shouldn't bother because a Forward_Only, Read_Only Cursor would do just as well.

    I also suggested that he post it on a T-SQL forum instead of an article thread to get better help considering that there are also other problems in the code besides the RBAR.

    Okay, clear. Still not going to write a WHILE loop psudo cursor when there is a better, set-based way to accomplish the same task. He wants a WHILE loop, he needs to try writing it. No problem helping, just not doing. 😛

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 44 total)

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