a recently applied update, kb955706, failed to install

  • installed sp3 on dba and dev servers with no problems. when applying to a stage box, got a recently applied update, kb955706, failed to install. after searching in google and here looked at the summary file and found the below error.

    C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\90\Setup Bootstrap\LOG\Hotfix\Summary.txt


    Product : Database Services (MSSQLSERVER)

    Product Version (Previous): 4035

    Product Version (Final) :

    Status : Failure

    Log File : C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\90\Setup Bootstrap\LOG\Hotfix\SQL9_Hotfix_KB955706_sqlrun_sql.msp.log

    Error Number : 29537

    Error Description : MSP Error: 29537 SQL Server Setup has encountered the following problem: [Microsoft][SQL Native Client][SQL Server]CREATE DATABASE failed. Some file names listed could not be created. Check related errors.. To continue, correct the problem, and then run SQL Server Setup again.


  • Firstly check the system databases and the resource database files are in the same location.

    And could you post the entire log file?

    Shamless self promotion - read my blog http://sirsql.net

  • thanks for the reply- got the answer posted in the msdn forum. i had the default database log directory set wrong - i had changed it from s:\database logs to s:\database log but forgot to update it in the database settings.

    once i changed it to a valid directory it worked great. here is the text from the msdn forum post:


    By default the setup creates the Temp_MS_AgentSigningCertificate_database Database

    on specified default database location,

    If the location doesn't exist, it fails to create the database and the setup fails.


    1. In SSMS, go to Server Properties > Database Settings > Database Default

    Locations ,check default location for Data and Log .

    2. Try to access locations specified at Data and Log, Make sure files are available


    3. If any of the files missing from above location , we hit the above error.

    4. In that case, change the path to point to reall location of mdf/ldf files .

    5. Setup should now succeed.

  • I'm having the same proble, but not with SQL Server. Its with SQL Server Express 2005. How do I fix this situation?


  • Doctor Who 2 (5/12/2009)

    I'm having the same proble, but not with SQL Server. Its with SQL Server Express 2005. How do I fix this situation?

    Did you try the solution mentioned above?

  • Krishna Potlakayala (5/13/2009)

    Doctor Who 2 (5/12/2009)

    I'm having the same proble, but not with SQL Server. Its with SQL Server Express 2005. How do I fix this situation?

    Did you try the solution mentioned above?

    No, because it looked to me as though the descirption above is relevant to SQL Server, not SQL Server Express. I'm not sure where SQL Server Express is stored, etc.


  • Doctor Who 2 (5/13/2009)

    Krishna Potlakayala (5/13/2009)

    Doctor Who 2 (5/12/2009)

    I'm having the same proble, but not with SQL Server. Its with SQL Server Express 2005. How do I fix this situation?

    Did you try the solution mentioned above?

    No, because it looked to me as though the descirption above is relevant to SQL Server, not SQL Server Express. I'm not sure where SQL Server Express is stored, etc.

    Should be the same.

  • Worked a treat!! Amazing what a little setting like that could do. Server built with the wrong default paths but never picked up until now.

  • Didn't work for me.

    I changed the settings discussed above for default database and log file locations to the actual location (on the D: drive) and rebooted the server, got the same errors. Looked at the View Summary, and it referred to an old database service, hpwja (an instance of SQL Express) that I'd uninstalled, and which the installer had left unchecked, so I disabled the service, rebooted again, got the same error, although this time the HPWJA instance wasn't listed.

    Went in and read through the hotfix log, and the .msp file it says was missing was there, so I renamed the hotfix folder to hotfix.2 (I continue to believe that Microsoft programmers get paid commission for creating subdirectories) and rebooted yet again.

    The error message in the summary.txt file are: error number 1635, "unable to install Windows Installer MSP file" for each product (DB Services, analysis services, notification services, integration services)

    This system was upgraded from SQL Server 2000, if that makes any differences.

  • Thanks it's worked after changing the database default file location on properties !!

    Sivaprasad S - [ SIVA ][/url]http://sivasql.blogspot.com/[/url]

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