Using a SQL Stored Procedure to import an Excel spreadsheet

  • I am not a programmer by any stretch, so although this is a very simple question for most (if not all) on this site, it is beyond me. The programmer in my company has written a stored procedure to put data into two different tables in one of our databases. I have been tasked with using this stored procedure to import data from an Excel spreadsheet containing seven columns and 513 rows. I have no idea how to structure the SQL syntax to execute the stored procedure against all 513 rows.

    Can anyone help? If so, please try to put responses in very simple layman's terms. I am way out of my league here.


  • This information you have provided is rather skimpy to say the least. If it is possible can you read the article in my signature block and provide as much of the information that it recommends? With the additional information I am sure many will be more than willing to assist you.

    If everything seems to be going well, you have obviously overlooked something.


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  • karschnike (11/18/2008)

    I have been tasked with using this stored procedure to import data from an Excel

    It would be really helpful if you posted the stored procedure so we can take a look-see.

    --Jeff Moden

    RBAR is pronounced "ree-bar" and is a "Modenism" for Row-By-Agonizing-Row.
    First step towards the paradigm shift of writing Set Based code:
    ________Stop thinking about what you want to do to a ROW... think, instead, of what you want to do to a COLUMN.

    Change is inevitable... Change for the better is not.

    Helpful Links:
    How to post code problems
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  • karschnike (11/18/2008)

    I am not a programmer by any stretch, so although this is a very simple question for most (if not all) on this site, it is beyond me. The programmer in my company has written a stored procedure to put data into two different tables in one of our databases. I have been tasked with using this stored procedure to import data from an Excel spreadsheet containing seven columns and 513 rows. I have no idea how to structure the SQL syntax to execute the stored procedure against all 513 rows.

    Can anyone help? If so, please try to put responses in very simple layman's terms. I am way out of my league here.


    SELECT * INTO XLImport4 FROM OPENROWSET('Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0',

    'Excel 8.0;Database=C:\test\xltest.xls', [Customers$])

    OR, check this out

    kshitij kumar

  • The stored procedure is below. The spreadsheet contains the following information related to the sproc: OilLabID, LabSamplePointID, CustomerSiteID, SampleLocationDesc, EquipmentDescription and Capacity.





    ALTER PROCEDURE SaveSamplePointSchedule


    @SamplePointScheduleIDint = NULL,

    @OilLabID int,


    @IntervalInDaysint = NULL,

    @NextCollectionDatedatetime = NULL,

    @NonCalendarCollectionCycleIntervalint = NULL,

    @NonCalendarCollectionCycleTypeIDint= NULL,

    @CustomerSiteID int,



    @Criticalityint= NULL,

    @Capacitynvarchar(50)= NULL,

    @IgnoreSamplePointInfo bit = 0-- If we just want to update the schedule, set to 1




    -- Make sure to null out invalid cycle intervals

    IF (0 = ISNULL(@NonCalendarCollectionCycleTypeID, 0))

    SET @NonCalendarCollectionCycleTypeID = NULL

    IF (0 = @NonCalendarCollectionCycleInterval AND 0 = ISNULL(@NonCalendarCollectionCycleTypeID, 0))

    SET @NonCalendarCollectionCycleInterval = NULL

    -- Make sure the integer values are valid

    IF (0 = @SamplePointScheduleID)

    SET @SamplePointScheduleID = NULL

    IF (0 = @IntervalInDays)

    SET @IntervalInDays = NULL

    IF (0 = @NonCalendarCollectionCycleInterval)

    SET @NonCalendarCollectionCycleInterval = NULL

    IF (0 = @Criticality)

    SET @Criticality = NULL

    IF (0 = @Capacity)

    SET @Capacity = NULL

    IF (@SamplePointScheduleID IS NULL)


    INSERT SamplePoint(CustomerSiteID, SamplePointLocationDesc, EquipmentDescription, Criticality, Capacity, IsActive)

    VALUES(@CustomerSiteID, @SamplePointLocationDesc, @EquipmentDescription, @Criticality, @Capacity, 1)

    DECLARE @SamplePointID int

    SET @SamplePointID = SCOPE_IDENTITY()

    INSERT SamplePointSchedule(SamplePointID, OilLabID, LabSamplePointID, IntervalInDays, NextCollectionDate, NonCalendarCollectionCycleInterval, NonCalendarCollectionCycleTypeID, IsActive)

    VALUES(@SamplePointID, @OilLabID, @LabSamplePointID, @IntervalInDays, @NextCollectionDate, @NonCalendarCollectionCycleInterval, @NonCalendarCollectionCycleTypeID, 1)




    IF (0 = @IgnoreSamplePointInfo)


    UPDATE SamplePoint

    SETCustomerSiteID = @CustomerSiteID,

    SamplePointLocationDesc = @SamplePointLocationDesc,

    EquipmentDescription = @EquipmentDescription,

    Criticality = @Criticality,

    Capacity = @Capacity

    WHERESamplePointID IN (SELECT SamplePointID FROM SamplePointSchedule WHERE SamplePointScheduleID = @SamplePointScheduleID)


    UPDATE SamplePointSchedule


    OilLabID = @OilLabID,

    LabSamplePointID = @LabSamplePointID,

    IntervalInDays = @IntervalInDays,

    NextCollectionDate = @NextCollectionDate,

    NonCalendarCollectionCycleInterval = @NonCalendarCollectionCycleInterval,

    NonCalendarCollectionCycleTypeID = @NonCalendarCollectionCycleTypeID

    WHERESamplePointScheduleID = @SamplePointScheduleID







  • Sounds like a one time task... recommend you use SSIS to import the data into a "staging table" and then do an insert into the final table(s) from there.

    --Jeff Moden

    RBAR is pronounced "ree-bar" and is a "Modenism" for Row-By-Agonizing-Row.
    First step towards the paradigm shift of writing Set Based code:
    ________Stop thinking about what you want to do to a ROW... think, instead, of what you want to do to a COLUMN.

    Change is inevitable... Change for the better is not.

    Helpful Links:
    How to post code problems
    How to Post Performance Problems
    Create a Tally Function (fnTally)

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