return value more than 8000 characters from stored procedure

  • Hi,

    I want to return one dynamic string from stored procedure. The length of string is not fixed. It can be less than 8000 characters or more than that. There is no limit to length of this string.

    I don't want to use multiple varchar output parameters because length of string is unpredictable. So how do I return this string from stored procedure.

    1. I tried with Text datatype. But I got to know that I can not assign value runtime to Text datatype variable/parameter.

    2. I tried to use new datatype in sql server 2005 called varchar(max).  But I am not able to create output paramter with this datatype. I got an error "Incorrect syntax near 'max'"

    Can anybody please help me...Thanks in Advance.





    Software Programmer

  • can you paste the top part of your stored proc, you might have made a mistake.

    I was able to execute the script below and return 19000 characters. you can try it for more

    CREATE PROCEDURE cp_test8000

    -- Add the parameters for the stored procedure here

    @out VARchar(MAX) OUTPUT



    DECLARE @limit INT

    DECLARE @counter INT


    SELECT @counter = 1,@limit = 5000, @outer = ''

    WHILE @counter < @limit


    SELECT @outer = @outer + 'baba', @counter = @counter + 1


    SELECT @out = @outer



    --- to run the stored proc ----

    DECLARE @rc int

    DECLARE @out VARCHAR(max)

    -- TODO: Set parameter values here.

    EXECUTE @rc = [dbo].[cp_test8000]

    @out OUTPUT

    SELECT LEN(@out)


    i did a cheeky test for @limit=100,000 and i got a length of 399,996

    Everything you can imagine is real.

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