Move DB file with a '.' in the name

  • I am trying to move a database file to another drive. For some reason I keep getting invalid file.

    Why the file name has a period in it I dont' know, but it seems to be confusing the statement.

    I take the DB offline.

    Move the file to the new location.

    USE master;


    MODIFY FILE (name=[DB_Data1.mdf] ,filename='D:\NewDBFile\DB_Data1.mdf');

    I try to run the above statement and get invalid file name, but not sure what part it doesn't like since the file name and the actual file are the same.

    What am I missing?

  • Hmm, not sure. That file name should be allowed.

    Verify again that the filename is correct:

    USE <your_db_name>

    EXEC sp_helpfile

    The first column of the output will contain the logical file names.

    SQL DBA,SQL Server MVP(07, 08, 09) A socialist is someone who will give you the shirt off *someone else's* back.

  • My suspicion is it's having a problem with the "NAME=" in your alter.

    The filename (on disk) is fine.

    What you need is the "logical name" of the file for the NAME=

    Run this to check the information:

    use [foo];


    select name

    , physical_name

    from sys.database_files;

    Obviously, replace "foo" with whatever the name of the database in question is.

  • Ok well this is crazy, but I had been doing a query for the logical name and filename. They all were named after the DB, but apparently the previous DBA had the logical and physical names for DB A swapped with an offline DB B.

    DB A --> BDat.mdf D:\BDat.mdf

    DB B --> ADat.mdf D:\ADat.mdf

    So I would take A offline, B already was but when trying to swap the file on A it was actually B that was in the wrong place which is why it didn't work.

    If that makes sense.

    In any case the


    EXEC sp_helpfile

    returned the other DB name and I realized what was going on.


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