T-SQL Coding Help

  • CREATE TABLE Link_Table








    CREATE TABLE Source_Table







    INSERT INTO dbo.Link_Table

    ( Scode, ICode, SDate, EDate, CCode )

    VALUES ( 'TWNR', -- Scode - varchar(10)

    '123456', -- ICode - varchar(10)

    '2016-11-23 00:00:00.000', -- SDate - datetime

    '2016-12-20 00:00:00.000', -- EDate - datetime

    'SNBE' -- CCode - varchar(10)


    INSERT INTO dbo.Link_Table

    ( Scode, ICode, SDate, EDate, CCode )

    VALUES ( 'TWNR', -- Scode - varchar(10)

    '123456', -- ICode - varchar(10)

    '2016-11-10 00:00:00.000', -- SDate - datetime

    '2016-12-20 00:00:00.000', -- EDate - datetime

    'SNWE' -- CCode - varchar(10)


    INSERT INTO dbo.Link_Table

    ( Scode, ICode, SDate, EDate, CCode )

    VALUES ( 'TWMR', -- Scode - varchar(10)

    '789456', -- ICode - varchar(10)

    '2016-11-23 00:00:00.000', -- SDate - datetime

    '2016-12-20 00:00:00.000', -- EDate - datetime

    'SNBE' -- CCode - varchar(10)


    INSERT INTO dbo.Source_Table

    ( Scode_S ,

    ICode_S ,

    ADate_S ,



    VALUES ( 'TWNR' , -- Scode_S - varchar(10)

    '123456' , -- ICode_S - varchar(10)

    '2016-12-16 00:00:00.000' , -- ADate_S - datetime

    '' -- CCode_Final - varchar(10)


    INSERT INTO dbo.Source_Table

    ( Scode_S ,

    ICode_S ,

    ADate_S ,



    VALUES ( 'TWMR' , -- Scode_S - varchar(10)

    '789456' , -- ICode_S - varchar(10)

    '2016-12-16 00:00:00.000' , -- ADate_S - datetime

    '' -- CCode_Final - varchar(10)




    ,Status = ???

    FROM dbo.Link_Table LT

    INNER JOIN dbo.Source_Table ST ON LT.Scode = ST.Scode_S

    AND LT.ICode = ST.ICode_S


    Above is Sample SQL Code.

    Question:- My question is I want to Populate a STATUS Field. If I have ONE Matching row Status Should be "GOOD Record"

    NO Matching rows Status Should be "NOT FOUND"

    Duplicate Matching Rows Status Should be "DUPLICATE"

    Please advise How can I do With above Scenario. If I use Rank Function with Partition By and Order By with (Scode, ICode, SDate, EDate, CCode) It will not detect as a Duplicate for Row Second.

    Thanks for your help!

  • Don't understand why you think you need windowing functions...

    Does this do what you want? The inner query, inside the parentheses... query "x", gets the counts for each grouping, and then the outer query just assigns a value to "CheckDupes" using the counts done in the "x" query.

    SELECT x.Scode_S

    , x.ICode_S

    , x.ADate_S

    , x.LTCount

    , CASE

    WHEN x.LTCount = 0 THEN 'Not found'

    WHEN x.LTCount = 1 THEN 'Found'

    WHEN x.LTCount > 1 THEN 'Duplicates' END AS CheckDupes


    (SELECT s.Scode_S

    , s.ICode_S

    , s.ADate_S

    , count(*) AS LTcount

    FROM dbo.Source_Table s

    LEFT JOIN dbo.Link_Table lt ON

    s.ADate_S BETWEEN lt.SDate AND lt.EDate

    AND s.ICode_S = lt.ICode

    and S.Scode_S = LT.Scode

    GROUP BY s.Scode_S

    , s.ICode_S

    , s.ADate_S) x

  • Thanks for your help. It works great with the source data. I will apply this on my real data and get back to you.

    Really appreciate your help and happy holidays!

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