Slowly changing territory assignment?

  • Good news! Easy question...

    I have a simple data warehouse. Looks pretty much like your standard sales data warehouse with dimensions (why do I want to write "Dementias"??) like:





    The only weird part is that the Customers, which are hospitals and clinics can be "redistricted" every year. So some will be assigned to a new territory. Screws up the rollup if you want to compare a static definition of a territory over time.

    Just to be clear, in Year 1, Customer A could be in Territory T1, and then the next year, it could be assigned to T2.

    So how would i have to structure my Fact table and Customer and Territory tables to do this? Expire the Customer and do a typical Type 2 SCD? (Shows how well I understand slowly changing dimensions, I guess!)



  • pietlinden (9/24/2016)

    Good news! Easy question...

    I have a simple data warehouse. Looks pretty much like your standard sales data warehouse with dimensions (why do I want to write "Dementias"??) like:





    The only weird part is that the Customers, which are hospitals and clinics can be "redistricted" every year. So some will be assigned to a new territory. Screws up the rollup if you want to compare a static definition of a territory over time.

    Just to be clear, in Year 1, Customer A could be in Territory T1, and then the next year, it could be assigned to T2.

    So how would i have to structure my Fact table and Customer and Territory tables to do this? Expire the Customer and do a typical Type 2 SCD? (Shows how well I understand slowly changing dimensions, I guess!)



    Which method to use is dependent on the business requirements and definitions, i.e. does the activity move with the customer? etc.

    My approach would normally be to use a Type 6 SCD with both the surrogate and the natural key in the fact table which covers (almost) all schenarios.


    Question, are you using cubes or tabular for this?

  • Okay, let me approach this from a different angle, and maybe I can think this out.

    The sale would always be associated with a given customer and the salesperson at the time of the sale. So one option would be to store the SalespersonID in the Sale fact. I could create a new record for each customer when that customer is assigned to a new territory, and keep the original key in the Customer dimension.

    I guess it's time to read up more on SCDs...

  • My approach would normally be to use a Type 6 SCD with both the surrogate and the natural key in the fact table which covers (almost) all schenarios.

    It seems to me that the originally proposed Type 2 SCD would accomplish the task. What is different between 2 and 6 that makes the difference for you? You are a little ahead of me inasmuch as I'm very familiar with SCDs 1-3. I've scanned Kimball's 3rd addition book and he added additional SCDs that I have not yet dug into. But in this case the more traditional would seem to be adequate. What are you seeing to say otherwise?

    //Edited for punctuation

  • If you want to preserve a static definition of territory over time, I am guessing this is by your definition and not the clients. I think of having a extra dimension titled [Geography] that will list this and the other one named as [SalesTerritory] so as to make the meaning of territory more apparent. I would not not also assume that the two are one to one as a sales territory can cross many of your geographies. That is why I would break this out to keep them independent definitions.


  • I think that will work... Gotta re-read that part of the book. A few times. and then try it, and then read a few more times. And then maybe read the relevant part of Star Schema Complete Reference...

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