Run SQL Browser Service with NT Service\Report Server

  • How can I run SQL Browser Service with NT Service\Report Server ?

    Currently is run with Local Service Account. All of the other SQL services running under NT Service\Report Server and I want to run this SQL Browser Service with NT Service\Report Server account. How can I achieve it? Because I am suspecting this issue block me in connection to database. Does it make any sense? Please shed some light.

  • SQL Browser normally runs as Local Service. If you can't connect to your SQL Server instance, I think that there is something else that is the cause of the problem.

    It looks like you are using the default instance. You do not need SQL Browser at all since it is only required for named instances.

    Did you change the port number used by this instance. If you did, try explicitly using that port number when connecting (in SSMS, this would be something like "servername,5432"

    Have you enabled remote connections to the instance. By default this is disabled.

  • Hi Happycat59,

    Thanks for your reply now that I have known SQL Server Agent and Browser have no effect on default instance.. Yes I am using default instance MSSQLSERVER using port 1433-haven't changed. I am just wondering that issue occured because of this. By the way, if you are keen can you assist why my reporting server connection can't be established? I can access report server database from report manager as well as from SSMS. I am really appreciated. 🙂

  • Have you checked whether remote connections are enabled ?

    Can you connect to the instance when logged on to the server ?

  • I have already enabled remote connections but I cannot connect to the instance. Infact, I was trying to use Form Authentication in Reporting Service and having Error connection to server.

  • Sorry but I have no experience with Forms Authentication. GO back to the default settings and confirm whether you can get to SQL Server. You should at least be able to confirm whether there is a problem with SQL or the usage of Forms Authentication

  • I have no experience with Reporting service at all. I was just started learning. It can work perfectly fine on window authentication. I am just stuck with form authentication. Thanks for trying to help me out. at least, I can narrow down the problem, most probably authentication usage, I guess.

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