Using Performance Monitor to monitor connections from web server

  • We have a number of .Net web applications running under IIS on a web server connecting to our backend SQL 2012 database running on separate Windows server.

    I am trying to monitor the number of connections and connection pools used by the web server. I am doing this using the ".NET Data Provider for SqlServer" counter object in Windows Performance Monitor.

    My question is : Do I need to run Performance Monitor on the web server in order to monitor connections and connection pools created by web applications hosted on that web server? Or can I run Performance Monitor on the database server and pick up connection data that way, no matter where that connection was initiated from?

  • It is not possible for a perfmon collection of a database server's counters to detect a connection issue that exists on a client that is running upon a different server. However, you can collect perfmon data from a remote server. For a programmatic solution, see For a GUI solution (that unfortunately does not reveal the required open ports and required permissions), see And I believe WMI can be used.

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