How to filter fur multiple facilities

  • In our facilities table we have multiple facilities.





    A person can be assigned to multiple facilities example

    (AMB and KFH),

    AMB Jon Doe

    KFH Jon Doe

    KHC Jon Doe

    how would I query just those people who are assigned to just the AMB facility?







    Thanks in advance.

  • how would I query just those people who are assigned to just the AMB facility? --- kinda contradicts your subject question... but anyway...

    If you're filtering for a single value, you can use

    WHERE MyField = 'Some Value'

    If you're filtering for several values...

    WHERE MyField IN ('String1', 'String2', 'String3')

  • This is where some DDL and sample data would be helpful. Note the link in my signature for tips on getting help.

    Let's say you had a users table and a facUsers table with the data below... I have prepared two techniques

    -- Sample Data

    DECLARE @users TABLE (UserID int identity, [First] varchar(50), [Last] varchar(50));

    DECLARE @FacUsers TABLE (UserID int, Fac VARCHAR(10));

    INSERT @users([first],[last]) VALUES ('mr','x'),('Sally','Smith'),('sir','zzz'),('John','Doe');

    INSERT @FacUsers VALUES (1,'AMB'),(1,'KFC'),(2,'AMB'),(3,'KPIC'),(3,'KHC'),(4,'KFC'); -- only use 2 qualifies

    -- Method #1: First get people assigned to one facility then self-join where fac = 'AMB'

    SELECT fac, u.[First], u.[Last]



    SELECT fu.UserID

    FROM @FacUsers fu

    GROUP BY fu.UserID

    HAVING COUNT(*) = 1

    ) f1

    JOIN @FacUsers f2

    ON f1.UserID = f2.UserID AND f2.Fac = 'AMB'

    JOIN @users u ON f2.UserID = u.UserID;

    -- Method #2 (much better choice): Get users assigned to 'AMB' who are not assigned to a fac <> 'AMB'

    SELECT fac, u.[First], u.[Last]

    FROM @FacUsers fu1

    JOIN @users u ON fu1.UserID = u.UserID

    WHERE Fac = 'AMB'



    SELECT fu2.userID

    FROM @FacUsers fu2

    WHERE Fac <> 'AMB' AND fu1.UserID = fu2.UserID


    Note, the second one is the much better choice

    "I cant stress enough the importance of switching from a sequential files mindset to set-based thinking. After you make the switch, you can spend your time tuning and optimizing your queries instead of maintaining lengthy, poor-performing code."

    -- Itzik Ben-Gan 2001

  • pietlinden (5/18/2016)

    how would I query just those people who are assigned to just the AMB facility? --- kinda contradicts your subject question... but anyway...

    If you're filtering for a single value, you can use

    WHERE MyField = 'Some Value'

    If you're filtering for several values...

    WHERE MyField IN ('String1', 'String2', 'String3')

    how would I query just those people who are assigned to just the AMB facility?

    If I understand the OP he wanted people assigned to 'AMB' and nothing else.

    "I cant stress enough the importance of switching from a sequential files mindset to set-based thinking. After you make the switch, you can spend your time tuning and optimizing your queries instead of maintaining lengthy, poor-performing code."

    -- Itzik Ben-Gan 2001

  • Alan thank you very much for your reply I was able to get the query working based on what you provided below.

    -- Method #2 (much better choice): Get users assigned to 'AMB' who are not assigned to a fac <> 'AMB'

    SELECT fac, u.[First], u.[Last]

    FROM @FacUsers fu1

    JOIN @users u ON fu1.UserID = u.UserID

    WHERE Fac = 'AMB'



    SELECT fu2.userID

    FROM @FacUsers fu2

    WHERE Fac <> 'AMB' AND fu1.UserID = fu2.UserID


  • Np

    "I cant stress enough the importance of switching from a sequential files mindset to set-based thinking. After you make the switch, you can spend your time tuning and optimizing your queries instead of maintaining lengthy, poor-performing code."

    -- Itzik Ben-Gan 2001

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