Multiple Months Data

  • Hello,

    Im new to sql and having a hard time creating a query which would provide me data which crosses two month. Table c.issuedate in some cases the data is dated 04012016 while all of the data from table a.app16_rvsd falls in between 03012016-03312016. How would I update the query below to incorporate the information which on table c.issuedate falls on 02/2016 or 04/2016. Thank you.

    select distinct a.yyyymm,b.circuit,a.admin,a.unit,a.pas,,a.rcvddate, a.dispdate,C.issuedate, a.timely

    from datamart.dbo.appl16_rvsd a,

    datamart.dbo.distcoun b,

    DATAMART.dbo.fsissue16 C

    where a.county=b.county and a.yyyymm=b.yyyymm and and a.yyyymm = '201603' and

    substring(a.pas,1,1) <> 'E' and a.program='FS'

    and a.type in ('I','R') and a.status='A'

    and b.region='sc' and a.timestd=7

    and a.district+a.admin not in ('0488151','2388198','1188101','1188102','0202555','0290132')

    order by b.circuit,a.admin,a.unit,a.pas

  • If you're dealing with a star schema, you'd filter the Calendar/Date table and then the join would filter the Fact table.

    SELECT ...

    FROM FactTable f

    INNER JOIN DimDate d

    ON f.DateKey = d.DateKey

    WHERE d.RealDate >= @StartDate AND d.RealDate<=@EndDate

  • Note that, unless you ABSOLUTELY need it for some reason, you should get rid of that final ORDER BY statement. It will only slow down your query and does not change the results.

    "I cant stress enough the importance of switching from a sequential files mindset to set-based thinking. After you make the switch, you can spend your time tuning and optimizing your queries instead of maintaining lengthy, poor-performing code."

    -- Itzik Ben-Gan 2001

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