storedprocedure to run a sql file(abc.sql) and store result in a file(abc.txt)

  • Can someone please provide a script\storedprocedure to perform below steps.

    1.connect to sql instance

    2.Run a sql file(C:\abc.sql)

    3.Store result in a file(C:\abc.txt)


  • sqlcmd -S servername -E -d Databasename -i c:\abc.sql -o c:\abc.txt

  • Steve Jones - SSC Editor (2/4/2016)

    sqlcmd -S servername -E -d Databasename -i c:\abc.sql -o c:\abc.txt

    You can also substitute a ">" for the "-o". It will cause the file to be overwritten if it already exists. Substituting ">>" will cause the file to be appended with the new information.

    --Jeff Moden

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    Change is inevitable... Change for the better is not.

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  • Yep, Jeff is right that you can use redirection from a command line.

    If you need to do this inside SQL Server, you can use xp_cmdshell to call this in a shell.

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