New to SRSS

  • I am relatively new to SRSS and SQL so please excuse the basic question...

    I have a table that looks like this:

    Staff ServiceType Duration

    Sally A 10

    Sally A 90

    Sally B 20

    Sally B 5

    Mike A 5

    Mike A 10

    Mike B 100

    I want to create a report that looks like this:

    Staff A B

    Sally 100 25

    Mike 15 100

    I am having troubles splitting the data from the ServiceType into two different columns in the report.

    Thanks in advance!


  • Drop a Matrix (not a tablix) onto the design surface of your report.

    Drag [Staff] to the row,

    [ServiceType] to the column

    and drop the [Duration] to the value (intersection of Row & Column). It will sum automatically, because it's a number.

  • Thank you so much...that worked like a charm!

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