Combine columns from multiple tables into a single table with sum

  • I'm having a hard time figuring out the right way to ask the question, so I'm sorry if the subject isn't very clear.

    The scenario:

    * Transactions are stored in 3 separate tables: Charges, Payments, Adjusts.

    * Each table contains an entry date field "EntryDte" and an "Amount" field.

    * Individual queries are run against each table to get total transactions by entry date from that table

    * The individual queries all have the "EntryDte" field, but the same dates may not be present in all tables

    Desired result is a single table with fields Entry Date, Charges, Payments, and Adjusts like so:

    EntryDte Charges Payments Adjusts

    10/01/2015 4,617.00 0.00 0.00

    10/02/2015 71,820.00 0.00 -636.00

    10/03/2015 60,142.00 0.00 -2,560.00

    10/05/2015 5,152.00 0.00 0.00

    10/08/2015 20,907.00 0.00 0.00

    10/09/2015 8,766.00 0.00 0.00

    10/14/2015 33,039.00 0.00 0.00

    10/15/2015 19,704.00 0.00 -1,288.00

    10/16/2015 36,598.00 0.00 0.00

    10/20/2015 57,577.00 0.00 -1,288.00

    10/21/2015 60,455.00 0.00 -2,511.00

    10/22/2015 25,349.00 0.00 0.00

    10/23/2015 19,835.00 0.00 0.00

    10/26/2015 73,346.00 0.00 0.00

    10/29/2015 72,143.00 -620.19 -4,448.38

    10/30/2015 44,720.00 -6,902.16 -12,371.13

    10/31/2015 8,532.00 0.00 0.00

    I've gotten what I need 2 different ways but both solutions seem clumsy. It seems like there should to be either a better or more efficient method to do this.

    I appreciate any ideas you might offer.

    Thank you

    DML for the data (sorry for the UNION's, I'm stuck with 2005):

    if object_id('tempdb..#tmpChgs') is not null drop table #tmpChgs;

    if object_id('tempdb..#tmpPmts') is not null drop table #tmpPmts;

    if object_id('tempdb..#tmpAdj') is not null drop table #tmpAdj;


    create table #tmpChgs (EntryDte datetime not null, Charges decimal(9,2))

    insert into #tmpChgs

    SELECT '20151001',4617.00 UNION ALL

    SELECT '20151002',71820.00 UNION ALL

    SELECT '20151003',60142.00 UNION ALL

    SELECT '20151005',5152.00 UNION ALL

    SELECT '20151008',20907.00 UNION ALL

    SELECT '20151009',8766.00 UNION ALL

    SELECT '20151014',33039.00 UNION ALL

    SELECT '20151015',19704.00 UNION ALL

    SELECT '20151016',36598.00 UNION ALL

    SELECT '20151020',57577.00 UNION ALL

    SELECT '20151021',60455.00 UNION ALL

    SELECT '20151022',25349.00 UNION ALL

    SELECT '20151023',19835.00 UNION ALL

    SELECT '20151026',73346.00 UNION ALL

    SELECT '20151029',72143.00 UNION ALL

    SELECT '20151030',44720.00 UNION ALL

    SELECT '20151031',8532.00

    create table #tmpPmts (EntryDte datetime not null, Payments decimal(9,2))

    insert into #tmpPmts

    SELECT '20151029',-620.19 UNION ALL

    SELECT '20151030',-6902.16

    create table #tmpAdj (EntryDte datetime not null, Adjusts decimal(9,2))

    insert into #tmpAdj

    SELECT '20151002',-636.00 UNION ALL

    SELECT '20151003',-2560.00 UNION ALL

    SELECT '20151015',-1288.00 UNION ALL

    SELECT '20151020',-1288.00 UNION ALL

    SELECT '20151021',-2511.00 UNION ALL

    SELECT '20151029',-4448.38 UNION ALL

    SELECT '20151030',-12371.13

    Version 1, CTE's:


    c as (SELECT EntryDte, Charges, 0. as Payments, 0. as Adjusts FROM #tmpChgs)

    ,p as (SELECT EntryDte, 0. as Charges, Payments, 0. as Adjusts FROM #tmpPmts)

    ,a as (SELECT EntryDte, 0. as Charges, 0. as Payments, Adjusts FROM #tmpAdj)



    ,sum(Charges) as Charges

    ,sum(Payments) as Payments

    ,sum(Adjusts) as Adjusts



    SELECT c.* FROM c


    SELECT p.* FROM p


    SELECT a.* FROM a

    ) q



    Version 2, same thing without the CTE:



    ,sum(Charges) as Charges

    ,sum(Payments) as Payments

    ,sum(Adjusts) as Adjusts



    SELECT EntryDte, Charges, 0. as Payments, 0. as Adjusts FROM #tmpChgs


    SELECT EntryDte, 0. as Charges, Payments, 0. as Adjusts FROM #tmpPmts


    SELECT EntryDte, 0. as Charges, 0. as Payments, Adjusts FROM #tmpAdj

    ) q



  • Hi

    A bit different version:

    WITH dates AS (SELECT EntryDte FROM #tmpChgs UNION SELECT

    EntryDte FROM #tmpPmts UNION SELECT

    EntryDte FROM #tmpAdj)


    ,ISNULL(c.Charges,0)AS Charges

    ,ISNULL(b.Payments,0)AS Payments

    ,ISNULL(a.Adjusts,0)AS Adjusts

    FROM dates AS d LEFT OUTER JOIN #tmpChgs AS c ON d.EntryDte = c.EntryDte

    LEFT OUTER JOIN #tmpPmts AS b ON d.EntryDte = b.EntryDte

    LEFT OUTER JOIN #tmpAdj AS a ON d.EntryDte = a.EntryDte;

    Best regards,


  • Thanks Mike. That doesn't include the sums (to combine days that have values from more than one of the 3 tables), but I like the way the EntryDte field is combined.

  • Why not just create a Calendar table with all the dates you want (no gaps!) and then just outer join the other tables to it? Then you can do totals etc, and it's stupid easy.

  • pietlinden (11/3/2015)

    Why not just create a Calendar table with all the dates you want (no gaps!) and then just outer join the other tables to it? Then you can do totals etc, and it's stupid easy.

    Good point; the calendar table we use works fine. I was writing it for someone else & didn't want to assume they had such a table. Thanks for the answer!

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