Logshipping and alwaysON

  • Hi , I have two DR instances I did Alwayson for PRD to DR1 and I am planning to do Logshipping for another DR2 . Is this works ? or it effects alwayson on another instance ?

  • It'll work fine. Are you unable to add DR2 as another Replica? You can have up to 8 replicas.

  • i am trying to add another replica but I am getting error 19456....thank you for help

    Create failed for Availability Group Listener 'AO-AGL'

    None of the IP addresses configured for the availability group listener can be hosted by the server

    'NODE3'. Either configure a public cluster network on which one of the specified IP addresses can

    be hosted, or add another listener IP address which can be hosted on a public cluster network for

    this server. (Microsoft SQL Server, Error: 19456)

  • rocky123 (8/25/2015)

    i am trying to add another replica but I am getting error 19456....thank you for help

    Create failed for Availability Group Listener 'AO-AGL'

    None of the IP addresses configured for the availability group listener can be hosted by the server

    'NODE3'. Either configure a public cluster network on which one of the specified IP addresses can

    be hosted, or add another listener IP address which can be hosted on a public cluster network for

    this server. (Microsoft SQL Server, Error: 19456)

    You need to add another subnet to the listener, that should fix the problem.

  • rocky123 (8/24/2015)

    Hi , I have two DR instances I did Alwayson for PRD to DR1 and I am planning to do Logshipping for another DR2 . Is this works ? or it effects alwayson on another instance ?

    Why are you planning to logship when you have AO already up and running?


    "Ya can't make an omelette without breaking just a few eggs" 😉

  • I've definitely heard it suggested before. An example might be where you have a synchronous Availability Group between two local servers in case of hardware failure, and then logshipping to an offsite DR site (perhaps running Standard edition). It can be bit cheaper, plus you have the option of setting a delay before restoring the logs, which could give you a couple of hours to fix a problem caused by e.g. user stupidity.

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