CAST function crashing when trying to CAST 0 to NVARCHAR(100)



    SET @p1 = CAST((SELECT (col1 + col2)



    SET @p2 = CAST((SELECT SUM(col1 + col2)


    IF ( @p2-@p1 < 4)

    SET @message = 'Current Count = ' + CAST(@p2 AS NVARCHAR(100)) + '<br/>' + ' Midnight Count = ' + CAST(@p2-@p1 AS NVARCHAR(100)) + '<br/>'


    In the above code snippet if @p1 = 0 then the query crashes

    Please let me know what am I doing wrong?

    Thanks in advance,


  • What do you mean by "crash"? What's the exact error message you're receiving?


  • later I am trying to send @message in email @body

    and on receiving the email there are no contents

    As such, there are no errors appearing on sql.

    If @p1 != 0, the query runs as expected but when it is zero, the mail does not have anything in the body.

  • In short I want to know:

    How to cast integer value zero to string value '0'

    Many thanks!

  • That sounds more like @p1 is NULL. Have you confirmed that the value of @p1 is actually zero and not null in these cases?

    I'd suggest adding the following SELECT after all the variables have had values assigned:

    SELECT @p1, @p2, @message

    It seems likely that @p1 is NULL in the situations you've described, not 0.

    You don't have to do anything special to cast 0 as character data:

    DECLARE @p1 int;

    SET @p1=0;

    SELECT 'This is a string representation of '+CAST(@p1 AS CHAR(1));

    If it turns out that it is NULL in those situations, you could just use the ISNULL function to handle it as is appropriate for your purposes.


  • I am getting value of @p1 as :

    SET @p1 =(SELECT (col1+ col2)



    Now, if @p1 is zero, there is nothing displayed in the message which is trying to print CAST(@p2-@p1 AS NVARCHAR(100))

    Otherwise if @p1 != 0 then all is fine

  • I know that's how you're assigning the variable a value. What I'm saying is that the behavior you're describing indicates the value is NULL, not 0.

    I'm suggesting running a SELECT after the variable is assigned a value so you can see if it is in fact NULL or 0.

    I know you're saying that the problem happens when you think the value is 0, but that needs to be confirmed. As the second bit of code showed, there is nothing special about casting 0 as character data, so that shouldn't be an issue. Concatenating a string with a NULL, on the other hand, would lead to exactly what you're seeing (technically, in this case you wouldn't be concatenating with a NULL, because if @p1 is NULL, then the assignment to @message in the IF block will never happen; the result will be the same, though).

    We need to know for sure what the values of all those variables, and that's what SELECTing the variables after they're assigned is for. There are a few scenarios that could lead to @message being blank, and they depend on the value of the variables when the IF block is reached.

    Once we know for sure the values of the variables when @message is blank, we can decide how to proceed.


  • Many Thanks!

    ISNULL helped.

    I used:

    SET @p1 = ISNULL((SELECT (col1+ col2)



    and it worked.



  • I'm glad I could help 🙂


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