Split Row

  • I have a table where there are two managers in the Name section together . When I try to filter it with = it results in an error.

    I want to split it in two rows and pass the respective name to retrieve data.Tried XML and usde the split function but looks like its not splitting...Any Idea...

    Here it is .

    CREATE TABLE #tbl_data (

    Manager Varchar(25),

    Device Varchar(20))

    INSERT INTO #tbl_data (





    ( 'Andy','ABC123'),

    ( 'John ,Sue' ,'XYZ456')

    --( NULL, 'BC');

    --Drop table #tbl_data

    Select * from #tbl_data

    XML ...

    Select Device , Manager from (Select Device , CAST ('<M>' + REPLACE(Manager, ';', '</M><M>') + '</M>' AS XML) AS Manager FROM #tbl_data) A

    CROSS APPLY Manager.nodes('/M') AS Split(a)

  • Use DelimitedSplit8K[/url]

    something like this:

    SELECT test.Manager, test.Device, split.ItemNumber, Item = RTRIM(split.Item)

    FROM #tbl_data test

    CROSS APPLY dbo.DelimitedSplit8k(test.Manager,',') split;

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