Report Builder 3.0 Date Prompt + / - 14 days

  • I have a report where the users selects the date in the prompt. I need to change the code so the report selects data 14 days before and 14 days after the selected date.

    This is why I currently have and it runs:

    cast(pymt_dt as date format 'MM/DD/YYYY') = ?

    I'm trying to change it to between but it throws an error message when it runs. This is what I changed it to:

    cast(pymt_dt as date format 'MM/DD/YYYY') between (? - 14) and (? + 14)

    I'm sure the syntax is wrong but not sure how to correct it. The question marks represent the value from the date prompt. The Date Prompt value is date / time.

    Thanks for the help....

  • I need to change the code so the report selects data 14 days before and 14 days after the selected date.

    WHERE [DateColumn] BETWEEN DATEADD(days,-14,@DateParameter) AND DATEADD(days,14,@DateParameter)

    not sure about the sequence of arguments in DATEADD, so you may need to check it... but that's the general idea, I think.

  • Thank you for your reply. I ended up using INTERVAL to resolve this issue. Thanks again

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