is there any way to change sql server default isolation level ?

  • is there any way to change sql server default isolation level ?

    not for db level...entire sql server?

    Please advice

  • dastagiri16 (1/2/2015)

    is there any way to change sql server default isolation level ?

    not for db level...entire sql server?

    Please advice

    No, there isn't. It's a connection setting, not a database or server setting.

    What is it that you want to accomplish?

  • I just want to know..

    Thanks for your reply

  • Dastagiri16,

    This is a database level setting and can be controlled at the level of an individual query as well. I do not believe there are any instance wide settings for isolation level. If you want all your databases to have a certain isolation level then you could set your Model database to the desired isolation level and then every database should get its isolation level from the Model.

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