User Inputs Data into field and then is stored

  • Is there any way in SSRS to do the following:

    I have a very basic query from SQL that feeds a simple table report static data like amount billed, hours billed, etc (Y-Axis). by month in a year (X-Axis).

    My client wants to be able to enter the 'budget' number which could change yearly, monthly or even mid-monthly, it is totally dynamic. Not so hard using a parameter to enter, however, they don't want to have to enter past budget data each time they run the report - they would like to only have to change the current budget field so I would need to store the previously input data for 12 months running.

    First is this possible, and second how?

  • If your report is based on a stored procedure, it's not hard at all. Say your report is based on a parameterized stored procedure, something like

    CREATE PROC GetReportData @Param1 VARCHAR(20)




    SELECT ... FROM MyTable WHERE SomeColumn = @Param1


    You could create a "logging" stored procedure (just so the logic is in one place and you can reuse it elsewhere), like this:

    CREATE PROC [dbo].[LogReportExec]

    @ReportName VARCHAR(255)

    ,@ParamValue VARCHAR(255)


    INSERT INTO LogReportParam(ReportName, ParamValue, RunDateStamp)

    VALUES (@ReportName, @ParamValue,GETDATE());

    Then you would just execute the logging stored procedure after your SELECT statement. This is the stored procedure I used to test it:

    ALTER PROC [dbo].[uspEnrollmentDemographics]

    @ProtocolNo VARCHAR(20)




    SELECT enrollmentID

    , e_ProtocolNo

    , enrollDate

    , PatientID

    , Gender

    , BirthDate

    , DATEDIFF(yyyy,Birthdate,EnrollDate) AS Age

    , ABS(DATEDIFF(wk,OpenToEnrollDate,enrollDate))+1 AS EnrollWeek

    FROM (Protocol p INNER JOIN Enroll e ON p.ProtocolNo = e.e_ProtocolNo) INNER JOIN Patient pa ON e_PatientID = PatientID

    WHERE e_ProtocolNo = @ProtocolNo;

    EXEC dbo.LogReportExec 'DemographicsReport',@ProtocolNo;


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