Trying to Connect to SQLCMD for Some Reason Im unable to CONNECT to the SQL COMMAND.

  • I Am Using a Windows 7 operating system with SQL SERVER 2012 , trying to restore the master database.

    I have put the instance in Single user mode by including -m in the startup parameters.

    I have stopped the instance using NET STOP

    When I Start using SQLCMD -s <Computername\instance name> -E

    it Shows up Error=

    Named pipes Provider could not open a connection to SQL Server [2]..

    SQLCMD Error MS SQL SERVER : Login Timeout expired

    SQLCMD Error MS SQL SERVER : A network related or instance -specific error has occured while establishing a connection to SQL SERVER. SERVER is not found or Not Accessible .Check if instance is correct and if SQL SERVER is configured to allow remote connections.

    Please Help me with Query.



  • Have you navigated to the right folder before running sqlcmd? I just tested it in the wrong location and got that error message.

  • Run Nat start in cmd and check if the instance you are connecting to is there.


  • Haven't done any such step? If you can be more elobrative would be of much needed help.


  • I have ran Net start and Stop i Runs fine on the instance

  • allamsanjeev (4/24/2014)

    Haven't done any such step? If you can be more elobrative would be of much needed help.


    Open up command prompt (cmd.exe)

    type: net start

    and hit enter

    the output should be:

    These Windows services are started:


    SQL Full-text Filter Daemon Launcher (SQL2012)

    SQL Server (SQL2012)

    SQL Server Analysis Services (SQL2012)

    SQL Server Browser

    SQL Server Integration Services 11.0

    SQL Server VSS Writer

    where the instance name is in parentheses, this case SQL2012, check what the instance name is in your case.


  • I did try that, still the problem persists, looks like it is OS permissions issue..

  • there's not multiple instances, right?

    you know you used lower case -s and not uppercase -S? and the parameter flags are case sensitive

    based on what you posted, this should be working

    SQLCMD -S .\SQL2012 -E


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