ado error 3001 connecting to sql server 200

  • We are using VB6 and ADO in our app to connect to a SQL Server 2000 database. One of our users, on a w2000 pc connecting over a Virtual Area network service, is getting an "error 3001, Arguments are of wrong type, are out of acceptable range" when testing connection to database in our setup area.  This is the code that is executed causing the error:

    Dim db as adodb.connection

    set db = new adodb.connection "Provider=SQLOLEDB;Data Source=111.111.11;Initial Catalog=OurDB;User Id=sa;Password=password;"

    All their other systems, which are local to the server are fine; only one of their computers is a problem - it is at a remote location as noted above.

    Any thoughts would be appreciated.


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