Database Mail does not work from SQL Agent Job

  • Hi all,

    We are running Sql server 2005 Sp1 on windows 2008 Sp1.The Sql server agent is up and running but we are unable to send notification's when job is done.Looked at many forums but coudn't fix it.Did telnet to check port 25 is open .

    I have followed the below steps.

    1. Installed/Configured Database Mail.(Testedt it and got Test mail)

    2. Setup SQL Server Agent to use the Profile under the alert system tab.

    3. Created an operator.

    4. Created a job that would fail (select * from from tblBlah), and set to email my operator on failure.

    5. Restarted SQL Server Agent.

    [264] An attempt was made to send an email when no email session has been established

    But still doesn't work.Any ideas



    [264] An attempt was made to send an email when no email session has been established

  • Did you make the profile a public default profile?

    Were there any error messages in the Database Mail Log?

  • Michael,

    I did make it default profile.It just shows DatabaseMail process is started/stopped.Doesn't show any errors.I also see [364] The Messenger service has not been started - NetSend notifications will not be sent in our agent logs .Is this somekind of firewall issue.

  • Do you have the operator configured to do a Net Send, instead of email?

  • No.Our operator is configured to send an email.I also see another error in the agent logs [LOG] Unable to read local eventlog (reason: The parameter is incorrect).These message starts once i create an alert and continue to every second .

  • You can try checking the sysmail items table. Maybe the sent_status will be useful.

    select * from msdb.dbo.sysmail_allitems

    I don't think this will help, but will mention it anyway. I had errors setting up my dbmail profile and needed to install patch KB970894 (I was already running SP3). Since you're past that step, I doubt this is your problem. This patch puts your version at 9.0.4262.


  • Thanks Cindy for your comments.I did check and database test mail shows status sent and i have received them but when we schedule a job ,we are unable to receive a notification

  • If I understand your problem correctly, when your agent job fails, nothing it being inserted into the msdb.dbo.sysmail_allitems table? Correct? So whatever is failing is preventing the notification from being generated.

    On the surface, it seems like your agent user (the user id associated with the Windows service) may be missing some permissions. I have to head-out now, so I'll just throw this link at you. It's a good reference for permissions.


  • Right-click SQL Server Agent, and then click Properties.

    Click Alert System.

    Select Enable Mail Profile.

    In the Mail system list, select Database Mail.

    In the Mail profile list, select a mail profile for Database Mail.

    Restart SQL Server Agent.

  • Bala thanks for your response.I tried but dint work .Keeps throwing


    [264] An attempt was made to send an email when no email session has been established


    [355] The mail system failed to initialize; check configuration settings

  • Are you running 32-bit or 64-bit? What is value of select @@version?

    Does your account running the SQL Agent have the following access to these folders? Is the SQL Agent account the same account used at initial install?

    Instid\MSSQL\binn - Full control

    Instid\MSSQL\Log - Read, Write, Delete, Execute

    100\com - Read, Execute

    100\shared - Read, Execute

    100\shared\Errordumps - Read, Write

    ServerName\EventLog - Full control


  • Is there a good reason you are still on SP1 ? It may not apply here, but keeping current on service packs can help avoid problems.

  • Don't know why it didn't work when I tried to post this script directly, but I've managed to post it as an attachment now. It's the script I use to configure database mail on new servers. Hope it helps!


  • Thanks guys for all your suggestions.Coudn't figure out the problem .We need check with out windows admin and see if there are any security issues.

  • @ sai

    I guess, you have to update the sql server to sp3 or

    you can also check by restarting sql server not just agent.



    Sushant Kumar

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