assigning exec query result to variable

  • I'm trying to get a count of rows for each column that has info in it. I have

    DECLARE @cmd varchar(100)

    DECLARE @fldname varchar(50)

    declare @number int

    -- the name of a each column is put into @fldname

    SELECT @cmd = 'select count(*) from CONTACT2 where ' + @fldname + ' is not null '

    -- now what I want it to do is to assign the results of exec(@cmd) into @number.

    is this possible and if so how do i do it?

    Thanks for the help,


  • You may do this way,

    [font="Courier New"]DECLARE @cmd varchar(100)

    DECLARE @fldname varchar(50)

    DECLARE @number int

    SET @fldname = 'ContactName'

    CREATE TABLE #number (RecordCount INT)

    SELECT @cmd = 'INSERT INTO #number SELECT COUNT(*) FROM CONTACT2 WHERE ' + @fldname + ' IS NOT NULL '

    EXECUTE (@cmd)

    SELECT @number = RecordCount FROM #number

    SELECT @number

    DROP TABLE #number[/font]

    - Zahran -

  • thanks it worked great

  • Execute dynamic SQL statement using sp_executesql system stored procedure, if you want a output to a variable. It allows input parameters as well as output parameters.

    DECLARE @cmd NVARCHAR(100)

    DECLARE @parm NVARCHAR(100)

    DECLARE @fldname VARCHAR(50)

    DECLARE @number INT

    DECLARE @number_out INT

    SET @fldname = 'Region'

    SELECT @cmd = N'SELECT @number_out = COUNT(*) FROM Customers'

    SELECT @cmd = @cmd + N' WHERE ' + @fldname + ' IS NOT NULL'

    SELECT @parm = N'@number_out INT OUTPUT'

    EXECUTE sp_executesql @cmd,@parm,@number_out = @number OUTPUT

    SELECT @number

    - Zahran -

  • I support sp_executesql approach.

    But the query IMHO is built not in the best way.

    I must be like this:

    'select count(' + QUOTENAME(@fldname) + ' ) from CONTACT2 '

    Code for TallyGenerator

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