SmallDateTime Query

  • I have a table which includes:

    EventID (int, primary key)

    EventDate (smalldatetime)

    EventLocation (vachar(50)

    I would like to run a query that will show the date only without the time included and the event location. Is this possible?

    Example query: EventID, 01/01/2008, Running Spring Village

  • Yes, but I would use convert...

    Below is how i used it in a where clause, for reference I have attached the link for Converting Dates. Link>

    (CONVERT(Varchar, dbo.Dial.LastCalled, 103) = CONVERT(Varchar, GETDATE(), 103))

  • For example:

    Select EventID, EventDate, Convert(Varchar, EventLocation, 103) As EventDate

    From Table name

    The 103 tells the convert how to present the data, use the link I posted eailer to get different examples of how to display the date, 103 displays as dd/mm/yyyy

  • I execute the following query as advised and results was:

    EventID EventDate EventDate

    1 2008-01-01 00:00:00 Running Spring Village

    2 2008-02-02 00:00:00 North Valley Park

    3 2008-03-03 00:00:00 South Park Rec.

    The time stamp still show in the query.

  • I got it. Thank you very much for your help. I made a few changes in the query.

    SELECT EventID, EventLocation, Convert(Varchar, EventDate, 103) AS EventDate

    FROM Event

    Works like a charm.:D

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