Insert Trigger Behavior Change?

  • We have a table where there are multiple no dupe conditions so we wrote a trigger that would check for these conditions and, if they existed, would rollback the transaction.

    This worked okay on SQL2000 but when testing this trigger on SQL2005 it always detects a duplicate. It seems to be finding the row that is being inserted that caused the trigger to fire.

    Does anyone have any information about this behavior change?



  • can you post the trigger you are using for SQL2005? Also, could it be that you changed the trigger to After insert or something on 2005, when it was INSTEAD of insert on 2000?


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  • Thanks for the reply!

    Here's the script of the trigger. The trigger was not changed at all. I just restored the database from a SQL2000 installation.

    CREATE TRIGGER [dbo].[trg_STN_ParserCodes_Unique]

    On [dbo].[STN_ParserCodes]

    For Insert, Update




    @STN_Code char(1),

    @data varchar(200),

    @Code varchar(200),

    @Error varchar(500)

    Set @Error = ''

    Select @STN_Code = STN_Code, @data = Data, @Code = Code

    From Inserted

    If @STN_Code = 'P'


    If Exists(Select PCKey From STN_ParserCodes Where STN_Code = 'P' And Code = @Code)

    Set @Error = 'A record for with STN_Code: "' + @STN_Code + '" and Code value of "' + @Code + '" already exists, Transaction Failed'




    If Exists(Select PCKey From STN_ParserCodes Where STN_Code = @STN_Code And Data = @data)

    Set @Error = 'A record for with STN_Code: "' + @STN_Code + '" and Data value of "' + @data + '" already exists, Transaction Failed'


    If Len(@Error) > 0


    Rollback Transaction

    Raiserror(@Error, 11, 1)



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