
  • I just want to know how many of your company has outsourcing to India?

    Do they do a good job?  How many Indian is working in your company right now?  First of all, I have to come in early for the meeting because of the time difference and I have to learn to listen to their 'Engrish' when talking to them on the phone.  I write the specification for them to work on, then I have to check their work, 99% of the time are wrong, in order to save time, I redo it myself.  So I am doing three times the work. I don't know about other Indian consulting company.  The one we have is lousy. No matter how many time we complain, but we have to keep using them because it is the management idea to save money.  They are 'UNTOUCHABLE'.  However when anything goes wrong, we are to blame, not the Indians.

    I walk in my company and half of the population are Indian (some are from India, coming here for training.)

    One time I mentioned one of them did not do a good job, I was warned to be careful because they can say I am a racist and I would be fired on the spot or they can even take me to court.

    I am a foreigner myself (I am a Chinese). I got yelled at from my previous supervisors all the times but I never thought they aimed at my skin color.  We are professional here, we are talking about technical skill and skin color.  But these day, the Indians are invincible. They are holding the 'RACISM' card, so they can do a loucy job but they are here to stay.

    I never thought I would say something liked these since I am a foreigner myself but the Indian got on my nerve !


  • As an Indian who prides herself on her impeccable "Engrish" I find this whole post preposterous and "ridicurous" (re: seinfeld)!!! I am deeply offended by this and am going to pm Steve immediately to delete this from the site or else "inactivate" my account...

    okay - okay - just kidding - just couldn't resist that! Fallen Angel - sorry to hear that your experience with my fellow-countrymen has been so -ve - while I can't speak for their accents or their language skills, I am surprised to hear you say that their work is sub-standard! I'm sure almost everyone on this site is currently working with or has worked with a chinese or an Indian (since we lead the world in the population count, that's not surprising is it ?!?!) as in the IT world we're a fairly prolific and prevalent group.

    I've never worked with a company that's done any outsourcing so cannot really speak from personal experience - maybe somebody else will step up with this...but I do have a story to share - a couple of years ago, I attempted to take some SQL Server classes - the teacher was an MCDBA, MCSE, MCSD et al...however, his accent was so difficult to follow (he was chinese) that no matter how hard we collectively tried (& this from a classful of diverse cultures and people) we could figure out only about 2-3 words in 10. He was eventually asked to leave & was replaced with another guy who had excellent communication skills but zero knowledge (but that's another story!). My first mentor in the IT world though was a Taiwanese and I still remember working with him as one of the most educational and informative 10 months!!!

    So I guess what I'm trying to say is - it's "luck of the draw" - when I first came to the U.S I had a very difficult time understanding the American accent - and they had trouble understanding me - somehow after a decade or so of living here we both understand each other perfectly - & I still speak with my "fuzzy foreigner" accent!

    **ASCII stupid question, get a stupid ANSI !!!**

  • Excellent reply Sushila! I personally have had excellent experiences working with people from a variety of cultures so, I don't really understand where FallenAngel is coming from...




    “He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain that which he cannot lose” - Jim Elliot

  • Now I'm becoming silly but this whole day's been like that...

    how can you not know where FallenAngel's coming from - she's coming from in "fallen from...."...

    Oops - hope I haven't offended anyone now - mayhap I go where angels fear to tread!!!

    **ASCII stupid question, get a stupid ANSI !!!**

  • Sushila

    I don't want to offend anyone.  As a matter of fact, I know a lot of developers that are very good and they are from India.  What I am upset is my company, they outsource to some company in India, they don't know if they are good or bad and I have to work with them.  If you work in a company and you hire someone that does a bad job all the time, he or she will be on probation or get fired.  But these off shore developers, it does not matter if they are good or bad, they are here to stay.  That is my complaint.  It is not fair. 

  • Nice re-direct sushila.  If you ever get fed up being a DBA, I'd look into law school if I were you.

    The whole outsourcing thing has been discussed ad naseum here and on numerous other sites and many get quite passionate about it.  And many in the US who have lost their livelihoods due to it are very quick to blame foreigners and H1-B'ers and hence direct their anger at them.  What I find interesting about this is that many of these same people rarely, if ever blame their government or the employer and few realize that the problem really comes from corporate greed.  IMHO, this anger needs to be directed at the corporate welfare state that allows this, rather than at those that they hire and who are for the most part and in my experience honest, hard working and just trying to make a living like the rest of us.

    One problem we have in the US is that whenever there is a problem.  We always look for someone to blame.  If we spent half of the time and energy fixing the problems that we did attempting to place blame, we'd be much better off as a nation.  My 2 cents. 

    My hovercraft is full of eels.

  • Bravo sswords - my sentiments exactly - all of what you said!!!(sounds of applause!!!)

    corporate greed is indeed at the root of all this!

    As I said fallenangel - I am/was not offended in the least bit & I thought I explained further on...I do sympathise with your plight - but I have also worked with complete nincompoops right here in the U.S who never come under the firing range at all..either they lead charmed lives or they have the boss's ear - but they carry on bungling their way through work leaving others to pick up the pieces...

    **ASCII stupid question, get a stupid ANSI !!!**


    Just to close the thread off ... from someone whole got made redundant because i was outsourced to India!?


  • - nice to start the morning off with some laughs...long lost the link to this one but I still remember a strip in a magazine where the father was rebuking his daughter saying - "no - you CANNOT outsource your homework to India"..

    **ASCII stupid question, get a stupid ANSI !!!**

  • I've worked with one consultant from India, and he was very good.

    I cancelled an order with Dell last year because, whilst trying to communicate with them during the ordering process, I was getting through to call centres in India, and I couldn't understand what the person at the other end was saying half the time, and they couldn't understand me or what I wanted. It took five calls and three separate emails to finally get my order cancelled, after the initial difficulties. My grievance was with Dell, and I really do feel sorry for the people working there as they must find the job difficult, given the circumstances, and they will no doubt get abuse occasionally from irate customers. I wouldn't like to have to do their job.

    In contrast, I also once made a claim for the loss of my mobile phone, which I had to do through a call centre in India. The process was reasonably painless (lots of red tape and explaining, but nothing that would have been any different regardless of where the call centre was).

    My point (I think) is that there are clearly some communication issues for some companies that they need to address. It isn't sensible to put someone who doesn't speak clear English on a phone, speaking to people who only speak English, nor is it very fair on that individual at all.

  • ...once we all speak in binary it won't matter...

    ...and no we do not outsource...

    This thread is a loaded one and it anit / aint the first... I was born one day but that day was not yesterday... there are increasing a number of weasels, posting as of late, and you know who you are, who attempt to elllicit a reaction into some swarmy market research or other headhunting or price dropping slant.

    I'm truly getting fed up with these pez dispensers and the fact they are stuck on stupid or seem to think we are.

    Come on, really you honestly believe your own thread?

    After reading all the recent posts I see where some people effort to try and collect social profiles .. from our 'muslim' best wishes friend, the ride of the valkeries pro god christian crusade, pro gay movement ... it all makes me want to puke...

    back to work...

  • Not as good as the Email / Text vote that Sky News did just after the London bombings ... the question being, more or less, "Do you agree with the politics behind London Bombings?" £50

    The fact that ppl actually texted in "Yes" .... £100

    Subsequently being put on an anti-terrorism watch list ... Priceless!!


  • GPF2^192

    I don't understand your post.  This is a forum called 'Anything that is NOT about SQL!' so I can post anything that is not talking about SQL.  You posted something stupid in this forum before too - the title was 'Irony'. 

    I am not trying to collect profile and I am not trying to offend people.  If you don't like the topic in this forum, maybe you should read some other forum instead.   You should go back to work !!!!!!!!!!!! 

  • maybe he's got summat to worry about!??

  • Nah - that's just the way he is - gets very short and abrupt with people very quickly but is actually quite okay once you get to know him "summat"!

    **ASCII stupid question, get a stupid ANSI !!!**

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