Get a "Invalid object name ''dbo.fn_GetClosestZip'' error when executing function

  • I am trying to execute the below function and i'm getting a

    Invalid object name 'dbo.fn_GetClosestZip'. error.

    I have tried to run sp_Helptext on the function name and it returns valid information.   I see the function in Enterprise manager.  I'm in the corrrect database when i run the select statement as well.  I checked the permissions on the function and have ASPNET, public users under it and gave them all "select" rights.  I have admin rights on the box. 

    Any ideas??

    select dbo.fn_GetClosestZip(98052)

  • check the owner of the object

    Kindest Regards,

    Amit Lohia

  • Grant the users Execute permission and see if that does would also be good practice to use the fully qualified name starting with the db name...

    here's all the "permissions info" from BOL for reference...

    "You must have been granted CREATE FUNCTION permissions to create, alter, or drop user-defined functions. Users other than the owner must be granted EXECUTE permission on a function (if the function is scalar-valued) before they can use it in a Transact-SQL statement. If the function is table-valued, the user must have SELECT permissions on the function before referencing it. If a CREATE TABLE or ALTER TABLE statement references a user-defined function in a CHECK constraint, a DEFAULT clause, or a computed column, the table owner must also own the function. If the function is being schema-bound, you must have REFERENCE permission on tables, views, and functions referenced by the function.

    REFERENCE permissions can be granted through the GRANT statement to views and user-defined functions in addition to tables."

    **ASCII stupid question, get a stupid ANSI !!!**

  • If you have SELECT permissions for the function, it must be a table-valued function.  Then the correct syntax would be:

    SELECT * FROM ::dbo.fn_GetClosestZip(98052)


  • NICE! thanks all for your help!... Scott the select statement worked...

    select * from dbo.fn_GetClosestZip(98052)  

  • I can't believe we all (almost) missed that one .

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