• Just for curiosity i find out that in non-monospace font the "space" has something about half the width of other characters
    so we can have:

    declare @tabela table (id int identity(1,1), value decimal(10,2))
    insert into @tabela
    select    *
            , REPLICATE(' ',(10-LEN(value))*2) + CAST(value as varchar(10)) as align_value
            , '€' + REPLICATE(' ',(10-LEN(value))*2) + CAST(value as varchar(10)) as align_value2
    from    @tabela

    that looks bad in plain text:

    id    value    align_value    align_value2
    1    1.00        1.00    €    1.00
    2    123.54       123.54    €   123.54
    3    52.00        52.00    €    52.00
    4    12.00        12.00    €    12.00
    5    1568.00      1568.00    €  1568.00
    6    425.36       425.36    €   425.36
    7    1.00        1.00    €    1.00
    8    0.25        0.25    €    0.25
    9    558.00       558.00    €   558.00
    10    12.00        12.00    €    12.00
    11    10000.00      10000.00    €  10000.00
    12    9587.25      9587.25    €  9587.25

    but showing results has table ...