• Jeff Moden - Saturday, June 23, 2018 4:37 AM

    xsevensinzx - Friday, June 22, 2018 10:24 PM

    Jeff Moden - Friday, June 22, 2018 5:50 PM

    @Andy... yes, I absolutely understand that.  And it's all very well stated.  What I'm getting at is that everyone is going to use this once they become aware of it and, according to the interviews I've conducted, very few are deserving of saying they're "above average".  It's kind of like all those internet articles base on "If you say this one thing, the employer is going to hire you".  Hopefully, people know better than that, as well.

    It's damn hard to rate a candidate in the interview process. You don't truly know until they start work and you see them in action. This is why I try not to kneecap my interviews before I actually interview them. Everybody is above average until proven otherwise.

    I'll have to totally disagree with that.   There are certain basics that people must know to even have a chance of being a decent Database Developer or DBA.  It's like asking a tennis player what type of racket they prefer.  If they come back with "Ummmm.... what's a racket", then you can be pretty sure they're not a tennis player.

    For most of the people I've interviewed, I'm not sure why they're even in the business... it's that bad.

    And, no... we're not trying to hire rookies.  We're trying to hire senior people that actually know things.

    That's entirely subjective to the person conducting the interview on what those basics are. I've never interviewed someone who didn't know what a racket is for a tennis player for example unless their resume was entirely fabricated and or they really didn't play tennis as a tennis player.

    I know from your past posts it's more along the lines that they did not play tennis as a tennis player in regards to for example, senior DBA's not knowing how to get the system time. But that's your professional opinion on what those basics should entail to be above average for that position. I used to think it was a huge deal. But now, I've come to realize that I personally do not care about memory capacity of mundane syntax that is insanely easy to lookup on your own. I myself could likely fail to know some basics you may find as a need-to-know for those basics as well. It doesn't negate the fact that I am a data architect who has developed complex data platforms from scratch because I have the ability to solve problems on my own.  And therefore, be paid above average.

    I'm sure you could tell that I am a type of interviewer who cares less about code tests, coding on whiteboards and all that jive. I'm more interested in what problems you have solved, if you could tackle the problems we need solving, and how you may have solved the problems in the past we are facing as a business. Then the difference between a DBA and a Senior DBA is just how much more exposure to those problems you have had along with your ability to move into a leadership role as your next career steps. I.e.: if the only difference between your seniors and your normal employees is one knows how to get system time and the other does not, then that's not enough to separate between a senior or not.