SQL 2016 Always On Default Instance Bio-Directional

  • Firstly Hi 🙂 I'm a newbie to SQL but I have a question I hope you can help with..
    I have two SQL servers (enterprise 2016 SQL, Windows 2012R2 - SQL01 and SQL02 which are clustered with always on enabled on the default instances. We have a database on the default instance on SQL01 we want protected so create a high availability group with listener on SQL01 add SQL02 as the replica (all is working as expected). What if we have databases on the default instance of SQL02 can we setup a second listener and availability group adding SQL01 as the secondary (so effectively both would be using each other bio direction-ally) ?

    I apoligise if this has been asked 100 million times but thank you for any help given.

  • No, that's not possible.

    Why would you want to do that?

  • Beatrix Kiddo - Wednesday, September 20, 2017 1:54 AM

    No, that's not possible.

    Why would you want to do that?

    Hi Beatrix Kiddo
    Licensing we pay for the live node I believe, so I wanted bi directional always on for the default instances so on the live site where we have two SQL boxes we have in-site high availability and both servers are earning their keep. Then we add a 3rd node to the cluster on another physical site as DR if we lost our primary site.

  • Ah, wait; you want AvailabilityGroup1 as primary on SQL01 and AvailabilityGroup2 as Primary on SQL02? You can do that, yes.

  • Beatrix Kiddo - Thursday, September 21, 2017 2:34 AM

    Ah, wait; you want AvailabilityGroup1 as primary on SQL01 and AvailabilityGroup2 as Primary on SQL02? You can do that, yes.

    I actually got it working yesterday - but thank you for replying and confirming 🙂

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