• ebooklub - Monday, January 23, 2017 9:01 AM

    Thanks Jeff,
    PowerShell replacement of sql based stored procedures is part our project
    bellow is solution I used (part of the code)

      #call to unix script
         $UnixOutput = (Run-Cmd -command "listdbpriv -server  $ServerName -user").split("`n")
         #$LogicalServerName = Null
         #$Primary1 = Null
         #$AssistUser =Null
         #$Role =Null
        foreach( $UnixOutput_row in $UnixOutput)
         #output produce extra empty line
            if($UnixOutput_row.length -gt 0)

                #$UnixOutput_row = ($UnixOutput_row -replace '\s+', ' ')
                $LogicalServerName    = $UnixOutput_row.split()[0]
                # first row of output contain column names
                if($LogicalServerName -eq "LogicalServerName")
                    $LogicalServerName_start = $UnixOutput_row.IndexOf("LogicalServerName")
                    $Primary_start = $UnixOutput_row.IndexOf("Primary")
                    $assistUser_start = $UnixOutput_row.IndexOf("assistUser")
                    $Role_start = $UnixOutput_row.IndexOf("Role")
                    $len = $UnixOutput_row.Length

                if(-not($LogicalServerName -eq "LogicalServerName"))
                   #format is logigalservername.dbname
                   $Primary_contain_dot =  $UnixOutput_row.Substring($Primary_start,($AssistUser_start - $Primary_start))
                   if ($Primary_contain_dot -like '*.*')
                        $Primary1 = $Primary_contain_dot.split('.')[1]
                    $AssistUser = $UnixOutput_row.Substring($AssistUser_start,($Role_start - $AssistUser_start ))
                    $len = $UnixOutput_row.Length
                    $Role = $UnixOutput_row.Substring($Role_start,($len - $Role_start))
                    $SqlQuery ="
                                INSERT INTO [dbo].[ServerDbPrivUsers]
                                          -- ,[LogicalServerName]
                                   -- '$Logicalservername',                           
                    ...custom call to insert row in table

    Can you post the "custom call to insert row in table"?  Seems like that might be sort'a important. 😉

    --Jeff Moden

    RBAR is pronounced "ree-bar" and is a "Modenism" for Row-By-Agonizing-Row.
    First step towards the paradigm shift of writing Set Based code:
    ________Stop thinking about what you want to do to a ROW... think, instead, of what you want to do to a COLUMN.

    Change is inevitable... Change for the better is not.

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