• Is there a an extra dmv I can add to sys.dm_server_services so I can use a query to highlight when an account is not a common domain account ? and also check for an associated logon

    If not would something like this work ?

    select servicename,service_account ,


    when service_account like '%LocalService%' then 'Local Service Account'

    when service_account like '%localsystem%' then 'Local System Account'

    when service_account like '%NT Service%' then 'NT Network Account'

    when service_account like '%NetworkService%' then 'NT Network Account'

    when service_account like '%Administrator%' then 'Local Admin Account'

    else 'Common Domain Account'

    End as 'Account Type',

    case when b.name is null then 'No Login'

    else 'Login Exists'

    end as 'Login Status'

    from sys.dm_server_services a

    left join syslogins b

    on a.service_account = b.name


    ~simon 🙂